Chapter 5

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Demi's POV

My sister Dallas is moving in today. She hasn't met Sammie yet. Sammie was fine with her moving in so I told Dallas that it was ok. She is on her way now

I hear the doorbell so I answer it. It is Dallas!

She comes in and I pull her in a hug

"Hi sis, I missed you like crazy" I tell Dallas

"I missed you too sis" Dallas tells me and we pull away from the hug

"So were is Sammie? I can't wait to meet her" Dallas tells me

"She is upstairs. I will tell her to come down to meet you" I tell Dallas then walk to the stairs

"Sammie, come downstairs please. Aunt Dallas is here" I yell upstairs

A few minutes later Sammie comes down

I take her hand and lead her in the living room

"This is Sammie, Sammie this is your Aunt Dallas" I introduce them to each other

"Hi Sammie, it's so nice to meet you sweetie. You are so pretty" Dallas squeals at the end

"Hi Aunt Dallas. It's nice to meet you too. Thank you" Sammie tells Dallas with a smile on her face

"Your very welcome sweetie" Dallas tells Sammie

*2 Days Later*

Sammie's POV

There is a party tonight that I want to go to. I just have to talk to Mom about it first

I walk to Mom's room, the door was open so I just walked in. I sit on the bed my her

"Hey Mom, can I go to a party tonight" I ask Mom

"Will there be any adults at the party" Mom asked me with her eyebrows raised

"Well, no" I tell Mom

"No. You are not going to a party were there will be drugs and alcohol and no adults" Mom tells me sternly

"Please Mom. I really want to go" I tell Mom

"No. You are not going. Drop it now or I will putt you in the corner for an hour" Mom tells me sternly

"But I want to go Mom. Please please please" I beg Mom

"That's it, go stand in the corner in the living room, now" Mom tells me sternly

I go stand in the corner in the living room

*An Hour Later*

My legs are hurting so bad. I hope Mom comes soon. I have no clue how long I've been standing here. It feels like forever and I have to pee!

"You can come out of the corner now Sammie" I hear mom say

I come out of the corner and hug Mom

"I'm sorry mom. I won't go to the party" I tell mom hugging her

"It's ok baby. I forgive you" Mom tells me still hugging me. Then we pull away from the hug and I go to the bathroom

I go watch tv in the living room

What Mom doesn't know is I'm going to sneak out around 11 tonight to go to the party

*10 That Night*

Demi's POV

"It's bedtime pretty girl" I tell Sammie

"Ok Mom. Goodnight I love you" Sammie tells me and hugs me

"Goodnight baby. I love you too" I tell Sammie, we pull away from the hug and I kiss her forehead

She goes upstairs to her room. I go to my room, get some pjs on and lay down in bed. I soon drift off to sleep

*1 AM*

I wake up and go to the bathroom. I decide to go check on Sammie

I go to her room, open the door quietly walking in. I look at her bed and she isn't in it. I see that the window is open. She snuck out to that damn party. I close the window so she will have to come through the front door

I get a wooden spoon, sit on the couch in the living room and wait for Sammie to get back

Sammie finally comes trough the front door at 3 AM

"Young lady, I know you snuck out to go to that party. You are in so much trouble" I tell Sammie sternly

"Yes I did. I'm so sorry mom" Sammie tells me then putts her head down in shame

"Come here please" I tell Sammie sternly. She comes to me. "Breath in my face please" I add sternly

She breaths in my face understanding that I thought she drank at the party. Her breath was fine so I know she didn't drink. I look in her eyes. They are not bloodshot so I know she did no drugs

"Ok I know u didn't drink or do any drugs which I am proud of you for" I tell Sammie. "But you are still in trouble for sneaking out and going to the party after I deliberately told you not to go to" I add sternly

"I know Mom. I'm sorry for disobeying you" Sammie tells me

"Ok. Over my knee" I tell Sammie sternly

She goes over my knee, I pull her pants and panties down, I pick up the wooden spoon and start spanking her bare bottom with it


"You do not sneak out young lady" I scold Sammie

"Yes ma'am. I won't. I'm sorry" Sammie tells me starting to cry


"You do not go to party's that I deliberately told you you can't go to" I scold Sammie again

"Ow ow. Ok Mom. I won't do it again. I'm so sorry Mommy" Sammie cried out

"20 more baby" I tell Sammie softly


"OW OW! I'm so sorry Mommy. I promise I won't do it again. Please no more" Sammie cried out

I pull her pants and panties up then pull her in my lap cuddling her

"It's ok baby girl. Calm down, shhh. I forgive you" I sooth Sammie

She calmed down after 20 minutes

"Ok baby let's get you to bed" I tell Sammie standing her up and walk her to her room. I help her change into her pjs and help her lay down in bed on her belly. I cover her up with her blanket and kiss her forehead

"Goodnight baby girl. I love you" I tell Sammie

"Goodnight Mom. I love you too" Sammie tells me

I wait until she starts to drift off and go to my room, lay down in bed and soon drift off to sleep myself


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