Chapter 1

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Demi's POV

Lately I've been really lonely. I have decided to adopt a child. I want to adopt an teenager around the age of 13 to 16. I am looking on my laptop for orphanages in LA. I found one a couple blocks away from my house. I look at the children that are in the orphanage. I found a 15 year old girl named Samantha Nykkol. Sammie for short. I really like her. I'm gonna adopt her. It says she is a major rebel and a huge troublemaker, but I think I can get her under control by punishing her. I fell in love with her when I saw her picture. I can already feel like she is my daughter. I find the adderss for the orphanage and the phone number. I call the number

*O- Orphanage, D- Demi

Phone convo-

O- Hello, this is Martha, how may I help you?

D- Yes, I am Demi Lovato, I saw the website for your orphanage and I want to adopt a child. I already know which child I want

O- Ok Miss Lovato, which child would you like to adopt?

D- Samantha Nykkol

O- Alright, when would you be able to come and see her, we are having visitors now

D- I can be there in 20 minutes, the orphanage is only a couple of blocks from my house

O- Ok. I will see you then. Bye

D- Bye

I hung up the phone and get ready to go to the orphanage. I change my clothes, make my brown/purple/silver hair look nice, then grab my car keys and leave

*20 Minutes Later*

I just pulled up to the orphanage, unbuckle my seat belt and get out of my car. I walk in the orphanage

I am greeted by an middle age lady

"Hello Miss Lovato, I am Martha, I believe I talked to you on the phone" Martha said

"Yes, and you can call me Demi" I say laughing

"Demi, I have Sammie in the interview room waiting for you. But before you go talk to her I need to tell you that she is a huge troublemaker, a major rebel so she gets in trouble a lot. She also has trust issues because of her past" Martha tells me

"Ok. I still want to adopt her. I think I can control her even if she is a troublemaker and a rebel by punishing her when she does wrong" I tell Martha

"You can come to the interview room and talk with Sammie to get to know her and to make sure she wants you to adopt her but I am sure she will, she doesn't like living here, I think she just wants someone to love her and to love back. It will take a but for her to trust you though" Martha tells me leading me to a room

We walk in the room and I see Sammie. She was beautiful

"Hi Sammie" I say

"Holy shit. Your Demi Lovato" Sammie said in astonishment

"Samantha, watch your language" Martha scolds Sammie, Sammie just ignored her

Sammie and I talked for 30 minutes, I got to know her a lot

"Sammie, is it ok with you if I adopt you" I ask Sammie

"Oh my gosh, yes" Sammie shouted excitedly

"Ok. Go pack your stuff and meet me back in here" I tell Sammie with a chuckle

"Ok" Sammie said then leaves the room

I sign the papers and Sammie is officially my daughter

Sammie comes back to the room in 10 minutes

"Are you done packing sweetie" I ask Sammie

"Yes" Sammie tells me

We leave the orphanage, get in my car, buckle up and I drive home

We pull in the driveway

"Oh my god, this house is fucking huge" Sammie said in astonishment

"Samantha, watch your language" I scold Sammie

"Im sorry" Sammie apologized

"It's ok but we are going to discuss the rules when we get in the house" I tell Sammie


Let me know what you think of this chapter. Comment and Vote please. Sorry if there are any mistakes, It is 2:57 AM and I haven't slept. Also sorry if this chapter is short. I will have the next chapter up within the next few days


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