Chapter 2

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Demi's POV

Sammie and I get in the house

"I will show you around the house, then show you your room then we will talk about the rules and consequences" I tell Sammie

"Alright" Sammie tells me

I give Sammie a tour of the house. The house has 8 bedrooms, 3 of them are guest bedrooms, they all have their own bathrooms and a walk in closet

I then take Sammie to her room. We walk in and Sammie looks so happy

"This is amazing. I love the room. It's huge" Sammie said with astonishment

"I'm glad you like your room sweetie, get your stuff unpacked then come downstairs to the living room" I tell Sammie

"Ok Demi" Sammie tells me

I go to the living room and watch tv until Sammie comes downstairs

25 minutes later Sammie came downstairs

"Come sit on the couch please" I tell Sammie

Sammie sits on the couch by me

"Ok, these are the rules

1) No swearing

2) No back talking me or having attitude

3) Do as you are told the first time

4) No drinking, smoking or anything bad

5) Your curfew is 9 on weekdays and 9:30 on weekends

6) Bedtime on weekdays is 10 and 11 on weekends

I think that's all the rules. The consequences for breaking the rules or when you are bad are corner time, grounding, loss of privileges, or spanking" I tell Sammie

"What you can't spank me" Sammie says with attitude

"Samantha Nykkol. I am your mother now so I will spank you. Keep that attitude up and you will be over my knee" I tell Sammie sternly

"Ok. I'm sorry. I will try my best to follow the rules Demi" Sammie tells me looking guilty

"It's ok sweetie, you just can't have attitude with me" I tell Sammie

"Ok. I will try not to" Sammie tells me

"Alright. Do you want to go shopping now? You can pick whatever you want within reason" I ask Sammie

"Yes" Sammie tells me

"Let's go then" I tell Sammie

We leave the house, get in my car. We buckle up then I drive to the mall

We get to the mall 20 minutes later. We unbuckle ourselves then get out of my car and go in the mall

An hour later we are almost dome shopping. Sammie got an iPhone 5s in pink, an iPad, iPod, 3 cases for each of them, and a laptop in the electronics. Next we go to the clothes. Sam picks out like 10 outfits, 5 dresses, socks, panties, and a few pears of shoes. I pick out a few outfits for her. I find this cute dress and show it to her

"I really like this Sammie, do you like it" I ask Sam

"No, it's ugly. I don't want that" Sammie said rude

"You don't have to get rude with me young lady. You could have just said you didn't like it. You do not get rude with me" I tell Sammie sternly

"Whatever, I don't want that ugly ass thing" Sammie tells me with attitude

"Young lady, stop the attitude now" I tell Sammie sternly

"Whatever" Sammie tells me sternly

"Samantha Nykkol! You know what, we are going to pay for this stuff and go home so I can punish you, I am sick of this attitude" I tell Sammie sternly. She stays quiet so I just tell her to follow me and go pay for everything. We go and put everything in the trunk of my car then get in, buckle up and I drive home

We get home

"I want you to go strait to your room as soon as we get everything in the house" I tell Sammie sternly

"Ok. I'm really sorry" Sammie said guiltily

"I know you are bit you are still getting punished" I tell Sammie sternly

"Ok. I know I did wrong" Sammie said guiltily

We get everything in the house, Sammie goes to her room

I wait 20 minutes so I could calm down and decide on what punishment to give her. I decide to give her a spanking, 30 with a brush over her panties

I walk upstairs, in the bathroom and grab a brush. I walk to Sammie's room

I walk in, Sammie is sitting on her bed looking guilty

"Please don't spank me, I won't do it again" Sammie begged me

"No, you was rude or me, cursed at me and got attitude, you are getting 30 with the brush over your panties. Pull your pants down and come over my knee, now" I tell Sammie sternly

She stands up, pulls her pants down and goes over my knee. I start spanking her with the brush after a minute


"You do not be rude to me" I scold Sammie


"You do not curse at me or get attitude with me young lady" I scold Sammie

"Ok. I won't. Please stop. I'm so sorry" Sammie cried out

"10 more" sweetie


"I'm so sorry Demi. Please no more" Sammie cried out

I put the brush down, pull her pants up then pull her in my lap cuddling her

"It's ok sweetheart. I forgive you now" I say softly to Sammie as I cuddle her


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