Chapter 19

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This idea was given to me by person56765. Thank you for the idea

Demi's POV

I have Sammie, Tyler and Logan in the car with me. I just got a call from my manager saying that I needed to be at the studio in 15 minutes so I am speeding a little to take the kids home to Lucas

I see police lights in my mirror followed by sirens. Shit! I pull over and turn the car off. A minute later the cop comes to my door so I roll the window down

"Hello sir" I say nicely to the cop

"Ma'am you was speeding. I am going to have to give you a ticket" the cop tells me writing on something. He then hands me the ticket and leaves (A/N Idk what exactly happens when a cop pulls someone over lol)

I drive home, driving the speed limit this time. I tell Sammie and Tyler not to to tell Lucas I got a ticket. He'd be pissed. The last time I got a speeding ticket he threatened to spank me. And if he knows I had the kids in the car with me he'd definitely spank me hard. He hasn't spanked me before, just threatened a few times, so I am preying that he doesn't find out. So I drop the kids off at home with Lucas then go to the studio

Lucas's POV

*2 Hours Later When Demi Gets Home*

Demi just got home and I see something sticking out of her purse so I pick it up. I look at it and get pissed. A fucking speeding ticket! From a little over 2 hours ago when she had the kids with her!

The kids are all in their rooms so I decided to go ahead and punish Demi now. I walk to her in the living room

"Demi I want you in our bedroom now" I tell Demi sternly. She looks at me kinda shocked but does as I told her to

This is going to be the first time I have spanked her so I'm not going to go too hard on her, but at the same time she needs to learn not to speed especially with the kids in the car. I decided to give her 40 with a wooden spoon over her panties. I calm down then I grab a wooden spoon from the kitchen and walk to our room

I walk in the room to see Demi sitting on the bed waiting nervously

"Do you know why I asked you to come in here Demi" I ask Demi sternly

"Umm... no" Demi tells me

"I think this will refresh your memory" I say then give her the ticket. She looks at it then looks at me scared

"I'm sorry babe I had to get to the studio so I was going a little above the speed limit" Demi tells me knowing what's going to happen

"You had the kids with you Demi! You not only endangered yourself but our kids also" I tell Demi kinda sternly and kinda yelling. She then sees the wooden spoon I have in my hand

"Babe I'm sorry please don't spank me with that! I'm so sorry" Demi begs me

"Oh no your not getting away with this" I say sternly then sit by her and pull her over my knee. I then pull her pants down

"Do you know why your getting spanked Demi" I ask Demi sternly

"I was speeding with the kids in the car. I'm so sorry please don't do this" Demi begs me

"Oh your going to be sorry" I say sternly then start spanking her over her panties


"You do not speed with the kids in the car" I scold Demi

"Ow Ow yes sir. I'm sorry" Demi says in between yelps. I continue to spank


"Ow Ow Ow. I'm so sorry please no more" Demi starts to cry out

I put the spoon down then pull her pants up and pull her in my lap to cuddle

"Its ok babe I forgive you now" I soothe Demi while cuddling her in my lap

I hear something right outside our door so I go open it and see Sammie running away from the room

"Samantha come here now" I tell her sternly. She stops running and comes to me with her head down

"Was you just eavesdropping" I ask Sammie sternly. She stays quiet

"Samantha answer me now" I tell Sammie sternly

"Umm.... yes" she mumbles with her head still down. I bring her in our room

"Seems like someone was eavesdropping on us" I tell Demi with my eyebrows raised at Sammie

"Sammie is that true young lady" Demi asks Sammie sternly

"Yes Mom" Sammie mumbles

"Would you look up and explain to us why you was eavesdropping" I tell Sammie sternly and she looks up

"I heard a smack so I wanted to see what was going on. I'm sorry" Sammie says

I turn her around and smack her bottom hard 10 times and she yelps

"You do not eavesdrop young lady" I scold Sammie

"I won't. I'm sorry" Sammie tells us rubbing her stinging bottom

"Your forgiven but don't let it happen again" I tell Sammie softly at the beginning but sternly at the end

"Yes sir" Sammie tells me "why did I hear smacks" Sammie asks quietly

"I don't thi-" I get interrupted by Demi

"Its fine babe I will tell her. He found out I was speeding with you kids in the car, so he spanked me for it" Demi tells Sammie

"So you get spanked for doing stuff wrong too" Sammie asks Demi

"Yes. Well this was actually the first time" Demi tells Sammie

"Oh ok. Can I go to my room now" Sammie asks us

"Yes you can" I tell Sammie. She gives Demi a hug and goes to her room. I go back to cuddling my wife


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-♥ Bridget

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