Chapter 22

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Sammie's POV

This guy named Reed has been bullying me all the time at school, saying really hurtful things. I don't want to worry Mom or Lucas so I haven't told them anything. As I'm getting my books from my locker for Mrs. Coney's class, Reed steps in my way.

"Where are you going?" He taunts. 

"To class... We are at school after all." I tell him. 

He didn't seem too thrilled with my answer. Before I knew it, I was pushed against the locker and he was in my face, yelling at me.

Tyler's POV

I had Mrs. Coney's class with Sammie, so after our parents started dating, I would always walk with her to class. I'm older than her by 3 months so I love giving her crap that I'm her older brother. She doesn't really care, but she does like that I protect her. My friends, Greg and Kaiden, protect her too. It's kind of a group effort I guess. So when I saw Reed yelling at her, I threw my backpack to the side and tackled him to the ground. My fists hurled themselves at him uncontrollably. Unfortunately, Mr. Carter saw the whole thing and pulled me up.

"Mr. Henderson principal office, now!" He barked.

"Yes sir, I'll go right now." I sighed.

 Sammie looked up and was about to tell the truth, but I shook my head no and walked off to the office.

Since my dad works at the school, he was there very quickly. Too quickly in my opinion.

"I called Demi to pick you up. We'll talk when you get home." He tells me sternly.

"Yes sir" I reply

*Tyler is now home and Sammie and Lucas are driving home*

Sammie's POV

Tyler's getting in trouble, but it was my fault! I don't know what happened after he went to the principal office. All I know is that he got suspended! I want to tell Lucas what happened, but Tyler said not to... Don't get me wrong, I love how he protects me and looks out for me, but sometimes he goes too far. Maybe he won't be in so much trouble if I tell Lucas and Mom he was just protecting me.

Well, now we're home. Lucas and I made our way into the kitchen and mom was standing there. I gave her a hug and sat down at the table to work on homework. Lucas greeted Mom with a kiss.

"I'm going to deal with Tyler." He informs us. 

My head shot up at that. I guess it's now or never.

"Maybe he beat Reed up for a reason" I suggest.

"There's no reason to beat someone up." Lucas dismisses.

Well that didn't work.

Lucas' POV

I went to Tyler's room and he was laying on his bed. Sammie's suggestion popped into my head and I had to know.

"Why did you beat him up, Tyler?" I question.

"There wasn't really a reason dad." Tyler admits.

"Then get up. You're getting 40 with the belt. Pants and boxers down and go over the bed please." I instruct in a firm tone.

Tyler does as he's told. He takes his pants and boxers down and bends over the bed.

I unbuckled my belt and pulled it off, folding it in half and swiftly bringing it down on his unprotected bottom. 


Tyler's POV

That spanking was the worst spanking ever! My ass is on fire. 

I'm just laying on my bed, on my stomach. I have no phone or TV for a month as well as being suspended from football for 2 weeks. 

I hear my door open and Sammie walks in.

"Can I come in?" She asks with a guilty expression.

"Yeah, you can come in." I sigh.

Sammie's POV

"Why didn't you just let me tell the truth? Then Lucas wouldn't have spanked you as hard." I pout.

"Well why didn't you tell me about Reed?" He asks me, protectively. "He shouldn't be treating you like that."

"Because he's been doing since the day I arrived! I can deal with him. You don't always have to be the 'big' brother!" I snap.

"Well it doesn't really look like it. It's not right for a guy to treat you like that. He had you pinned against the locker! What the hell did you want me to do? Just stand back and let him treat you like shit? You're my sister and I will always protect you, even if it ends up with me getting in trouble." Tyler snapped back, standing up.

That made me pause for a second and sigh. I shouldn't be angry with him.

I gave him a hug and smiled. "Thank you Tyler, you're the best brother there is! I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I would feel a lot better if we'd tell Mom and Lucas the truth."

He didnt say anything, so I added on, "You don't even have to come. I can tell then by myself."

He took a deep breath and breathed out, "Okay."

I smiled and went to Mom and Lucas' room. Lucas told me to come in, so I did. Him and mom were cuddling.

"Baby Girl, you're supposed to be in bed. What's wrong?" Mom asks.

"I need to tell you the truth about the Tyler Reed situation." I begin. "Ever since I arrived at the school, Reed has been harassing me. Every day, all day. I didn't want to say anything  because I thought I could handle it, but today was different. When Tyler got into the fight with him,  Reed had me pinned against the locker, yelling at me... Tyler was just protecting me, being a good big brother to me. I know I should have told you guys the truth earlier, but Tyler didn't want me to say anything."

Demi's POV

When Sammie told me what actually happened, I felt so bad for Tyler. If he would have just told us that he was protecting Sammie, he wouldn't have been spanked so severely. This Reed kid is really going to get it. You don't piss off this Mama bear. I'm going to Sammie's school tomorrow and setting this right.

"Thank you Sammie, for telling us the truth. We will deal with this." I reply, stiffly.

Lucas got up and gave Tyler his TV and phone back because he was just protecting Sammie.

*Next Day*

Demi's POV

I walked into the principal's office and told the principal everything. He apologized and he suspended Reed and let Tyler come back to school. Later on, I told Sammie that the next time this happens to let me know. She said she will

*Next chapter has a surprise charter

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