Chapter 27

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Demi's POV

Today my sister Dallas is coming over to visit and meet Sammie

I hear a knock on the door so I go answer it. It's Dallas  "Dallas! I missed you so much sis" I get overdramatic because we talk all the time

"We just talked on the phone an hour ago silly" Dallas says to me

"I know but I missed you sis" I say hugging her tight

I let go of my sister and I holler for Sammie to come here and she listens and is here in 5 minutes

"Sammie I want you to meet your aunt Dallas" I introduce them

"Hi Sammie" Dallas says hugging her niece

"Hi aunt Dallas" Sammie says sweet

"Aww your so sweet" Dallas says "I bet you never get in trouble do you"

"I actually do a lot" Sammie tells Dallas

"Really" Dallas says not believing it

"Oh yes she gets into trouble very frequently. The other night she snuck out to a party with drugs and alcohol. She did pot. I busted her butt" I tell Dallas

"Oh wow I was totally wrong" Dallas says

"Can I take her with me to my hotel I'm staying at sis" Dallas asks me

"Of coarse you can sis. If she gives you any trouble just spank her sis you have permission" I tell Dallas

"Ok sis. Sammie you want to come with me to my hotel? They have a indoor pool and an exercise room plus a computer room" Dallas ask Sammie

"Yes I do please" Sammie says exited

"Ok we can go mom already gave me the ok" Dallas tells Sammie then they head out the door

Dallas POV

A few hours later and Sammie had already been swimming and played on the internet for a little while and now she was getting sleepy and cranky. She gets attitude with me so I spank her bare butt like Demi told me to do if she acted out


"You don't get attitude with me young lady" I say letting her up she pulls her pants and panties up then disappears I follow her she walks back to Demi's

I walk in behind her and tell demi what happened and she tells Sammie to go to her room and stand in the corner and wait for her

Demi's POV

I'm really mad at Sammie she gets to meet her aunt and she disrespected her like that? No I'm going to bust her butt

"Dude she just took off after i spanked her. What the fuck" Dallas says

"Sis I'd appreciate it if you could watch your mouth around here I'm trying to teach Sammie not to cuss" I tell Dallas nicely

"I'll try sis no promises I have a potty mouth" Dallas says

"I know sis I'm just trying to teach Sammie not to cuss so I don't cuss around her and I don't let anyone around her cuss" I tell Dallas truthfully

"I can do that sis if I don't you get to bust my butt or wash my mouth out with soap" Dallas tells me

"Ok I'll wash your mouth out since a spanking doesn't seem right because your older than me" I tell Dallas

"True" Dallas says

Meanwhile Tyler got in trouble in school for trying to pull a prank on

In the meantime Demi gets a call from the police saying someone has to pick up Tyler who got arrested after trying to prank the other football team. I tell Lucas and he sends me to get him so Lucas can cool down a bit before Tyler gets home and Lucas busts his butt. Demi tells Sammie where she's going and told her to stay here with Lucas. She didn't want to but after a spanking threat she stays

Demi gets in the car, Buckles up and heads to the jail to get Tyler she gets there gets inside and sees Tyler and gives him a look . Tyler sinks in his seat knowing what's going to happen. Demi gets Tyler out of there and she award his bottom hard 10 times

"Ow ow ow" Tyler wines

"What was you thinking young man? You got arrested dude your dad's going to beat your butt bad" I tell him

They get home 5 minutes later and Lucas sent Tyler to his room to stand in the corner and wait for him

"Babe what do you think I should do with him" Lucas asks me

"I definitely think he needs a spanking with a belt on his bare" I tell Lucas

"I agree" Lucas says

Lucas goes up to Tyler's room and takes his belt off

"Tyler get over the bed, you got a whooping coming for this" Lucas orders Tyler

Tyler does as he's told and bends over the bed

Lucas bares Tyler first then starts the spanking



Tyler is now crying Apologies so Lucas thinks he's had enough he stops the spanking

"Just so you know if I ever hear you got arrested I'm going to take a switch to your bare bottom little boy" Lucas tells Tyler hugging him after the spanking

"Yes sir" Tyler cries out but after cuddling for a while Tyler calms down but he's definitely going to be sleeping in pain tonight

The next day the kids go to school and Tyler finds out he got kicked off the football team

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