Chapter 18

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Sammie's POV

I just left school, I'm on the bus going home right now. We get to my stop so I get off the bus and walk in my house

"I'm home Mom" I holler as I walk upstairs to my bedroom and put my backpack on my bed. I go find Mom in her room playing on her phone. She looks up and sees me

"Hi sweetie. How was school" Mom asks me

"It was as boring as usual" I tell Mom

"Well do you have homework" Mom asks me

"No, I got it all done" I lie to Mom. I have homework I just don't want to do it now

"Ok" Mom tells me

*An Hour Later*

Demi's POV

I didn't believe Sammie when she said she had no homework. She usually has homework every other day and she didn't have any homework yesterday. I go in her room when she isn't in there and I check her backpack, finding out she does have homework, then lied to me about it. I walk to the living room and find Sammie sitting on the couch watching TV

"Samantha you told me you have no homework correct?" I ask Sammie sternly

"Right, I have none" Sammie tells me

"Oh really? Because I just looked in your backpack and found some" I tell Sammie sternly

"No damnit I don't have homework" Sammie tells me with attitude

"Knock the attitude off right now and don't you dare lie to me or swear at me young lady" I tell Sammie sternly

"Leave me the fuck alone" Sammie tells me still having attitude with me

"That's it! Go to your room right now" I tell Sammie sternly. She stomps upstairs

"Stop with the stomping Samantha" I tell her sternly and she stops stomping, going to her room

I wait 20 minutes to make sure I'm calm then I get a wooden spoon. I go to Sammie's room with the spoon. I sit on her bed beside her

"Do you know why you are about to be spanked" I ask Sammie sternly

"Yes, I lied to you about having no homework when I did and I swore at you" Sammie tells me guiltily

"Right so I'm going to wash your mouth out then I will give you a spanking" I tell Sammie sternly then I grab her hand and take her to the bathroom attached to her room. I get a bar of soap out and hold it up to her mouth but she won't open her mouth

"Samantha open your mouth now before you make it worse on yourself" I tell Sammie still holding it up to her mouth. She hesitates but opens her mouth, not wanting to make it worse on herself. I put it in her mouth

"You have to keep it in for 3 minutes" I tell Sammie sternly and she nods

I wait 3 minutes then take it out of her mouth and tell her she can spit the soap out of her mouth but she can't rinse her mouth out until after I give her the spanking. I take her back to her room and sit on her bed then pick the wooden spoon up

"Over my knee" I tell Sammie sternly. She goes over my knee and I pull her pants down. I start spanking her with the spoon over her panties


"You do not lie to me" I scold Sammie


"You do not swear at me young lady" I scold Sammie again

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry" Sammie tells me starting to cry

"Good, now you have 10 left" I tell Sammie kinda softly then I give her the last 10


"I'm sorry Mom" Sammie tells me crying a little

I put the spoon down and pull her in my lap cuddling her

"It's ok Sammie I forgive you now" I tell Sammie softly while cuddling her

After she gets done crying she rinses her mouth out and then we sit down to watch a movie

"Mom can I talk to you about something" Sammie asks me

"Of course honey" I tell Sammie

"I want to talk to you about my birth mom leaving me and why I am so afraid that you will leave me. When I was 8 she came in my room and told me that I was going to an orphanage because she was moving with her boyfriend Ray. When she took me to the orphanage she told me that I was not worth her time and that she hopes to never to see me again" Sammie tells me crying

I cuddle her

"It's ok sweetie. I will never leave you for anything. I want you to believe me when I say I love you and will never leave you no matter what" I tell Sammie as I cuddle her


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