[ CHAPTER 10 ]

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You awoke once more, floating in what seemed to be space. You wondered how you could even breathe or where you were in the first place.

"H E L L O ,  F L E S H B A G ." A voice echoed behind you.

You turned around to an octopus-looking creature, with unnerving multiple blue or green... eyes and misplaced spider-like legs. His mouth had rows and... rows of teeth. Even if they could finally think again, they couldn't speak and their body shook in fear of the horrifying monster in front of them. A million thoughts ran through their head that was until the monster spoke once more in his booming voice.

"I  A P O L O G I Z E   F O R  H A N D L I N G  Y O U  A S  W E   D I D . Y O U  A R E . . . V E R Y  S P E C I A L ,  ( Y / N ) ." It seemed to smile, or at least try to.

"S-special?" You finally croaked.

"I N D E E D , Y O U   C H A N G E D   Y O U R   M I S E R A B L E   F A T E . M A Y B E  N O T  A L L       M O R T A L S   A R E . . .  P U N Y ." He laughed.

"What... what do you mean by that?" You twiddled with your hands, trying to shake off that terrifying feeling in your gut.

" Y O U   W E R E   S U P P O S E D   T O   B E   K I L L E D   B Y   T H A T  H A L F - B R E D  D E M O N , B U T   I N S T E A D . . . Y O U  T A M E D  T H E  B E A S T ." He held out his tentacle motioning you closer.

With some hesitation you let him grab you, "I... tamed him? But he still seems like the same old Bob?" I looked at him confused.

The monster sighed disappointed, he placed a single tentacle on your forehead.

The monster showed you the vision of him walking up the hill. He was coming to save you.

"What... but why? Isn't he just playing with me? Teasing me like all his other victims so he can get a good kick out of gaining their trust and just eating them?" You rambled.

"T H A T   I S   F O R   Y O U  T O   F I N D   O U T ." The monster said while lifting you up into the air.

"Wait! What does that even mean!?" You yelled at him holding out your arms to him. You looked up at the broken floorboard above you. You covered your head hopefully so as to not get hurt from the broken shards of wood poking out.

You jolted up in a strange room, you were in a bed and wore red clothing. You jumped off the bed and ran towards the door. You tried to open it but it didn't give, it must've been locked from the outside. You ran to the only window in your room, it was locked too. You looked around, you were in that old creepy house on the hill. So this is where all the craziness in this town comes from. You looked down only to see flashing blue and red lights.

"SHIT!" You said loudly, you tried the door again. At this point you were desperate to get out, so you rammed into the door using your shoulder. Fuck that hurt... but you repeated it a few times until the door came falling down taking you with it. You got up and ran down the hallway holding onto your hurting shoulder. You had no idea where you were going but hopefully, it was to Bob- Bob? Why were you looking for Bob... you slowed down.

'Ugh, it doesn't matter right now!' You thought and you picked up the pace once more.

Shit, shit... shit! Where was he?! You looked through every room on the top floor. That was until you heard big footsteps running up the stairs. You knew those footsteps, you ran towards the sound.

There was Bob, holding onto his side huffing. You huffed standing there. He snapped his head at you, his teal eyes staring at you.

"ANDDDD... NOW I'M RUNNING! CYA." You yelled, turning around and running away from him.

"C'MERE." He yelled behind you, his voice seeming to echo eerily... somewhat like the monster.

You huffed and wheezed running through the hallways, you knew you couldn't outrun him. To be honest, you never really worked out in your life... You turn the corner, opened a door, and shut it quietly, locking it. You backed away from the door, right into some shelves. Making a bit of noise. You turned around, you ran right into a closet with no way out. Great.

You covered your mouth hearing big, loud, running footsteps passing by you. God, you hoped your on-the-spot plan worked. You waited a bit in silence, you opened the door slightly. But, a big, pale hand grabbed onto it.

"AH!" You screamed backing away from the door as Bob slammed it open.

"Found ya." He smiled. You just trembled in fear as once again his shadow engulfed you. 

You could hear more footsteps coming your way, he snapped his neck towards the sound and then back at you. His smile grew, stepping inside the closet, and closing the door behind him. You once again backed up into the shelves, making one item fall off. Bob caught it before it hit your head.

"Make any more sounds and I'm gonna find a way to punish ya." He whispered harshly, looking down at you. His glowing teal eyes and wide smile were all you could see in the small dark room.

You wondered why his eyes were the same as the monsters.


He covered your mouth, "What did I say?" He whispered again, listening for where the footsteps were coming from. Almost like a dog.

You licked his hand, making him flinch his hand away from your mouth. "Why do you and the monster have the same eyes?" You demanded an answer.

"It's not the best time for this right now, yer noisier than a herd of horses." His eyebrows furrowed. The footsteps became louder and now you could hear their voices. It was definitely John and Jack. You could especially hear John who was so very happy to have found the cult's hiding place after so many years. He stopped for a moment and he stared at you. You pondered if this was good or bad for you. Bob grabbed you tightly, hurting your sore shoulder. He seemed to... hug you??

For a moment you didn't know what to do and Bob seemed to hold his breath staring at the door, watching the shadow of two pairs of feet walk by. John laughed determinedly while Jack kept telling him to slow down.

Bob chuckled quietly, "C'mere, doll." He licked his lips and kissed you. His long tongue wraps around your unskillful tongue. His kisses were good but... may be too wet. You leaned into it nonetheless. He pulled away huffing making a small 'pop' sound and stared at your pink face.

"Yer gonna hate me for this.~" He hummed in a playful manner as he leaned down to your neck.

He bit your lip and neck making you quietly hiss in pain as a bit of blood rolled down your neck and chin.

"A-ack! What are you doing?!" You whispered as you squirmed around in his big arms. 

"Doin' it so you don't get in trouble dolly." He lifted you up on his shoulders. You could've sworn you saw his ears blush.

'Oh... I see. He's going to act like he's kidnapping me... but, won't he still be on the run? For the rest of his life?' You thought as he opened the door. You closed your eyes and acted like you were passed out.

He began to run, you could hear John run after him shouting, "PUT (Y/N) DOWN!"

As bob ran past Jack in a doorway, he pulled his gun and aimed at him.

"JACK! WAIT!" Yelled John as he pushed Jack, but it was too late and he shot.


A/N - Oop will this be angsty? Maybe. 

The Need To Change [ Bob Velseb x m!reader - 18+ ]Where stories live. Discover now