Chapter 7

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Demi's POV

I can't believe Stephanie is in this treatment... I knew Mia and Marissa were planning something! I don't know if I should be happy or happy haha see what I did there. I just can't believe I'm with her again. I even get to share a room with her! Maybe we can be together again the way it's supposed to be. I miss her so much, I need Steph more then anything. I lost everyone, my family and my Steph. Yes my because she will be mine.

Wow I just sounded creepy, I wish I could just have one more chance with Steph. Just one more...

I tried talking to her but she only walked out. I deserve it, I deserve hell because of what I did. I was selfish, careless, a horrible person to her. Steph only treated me like a princess nothing more nothing less ever. She trusted me with her heart and I out of all people broke it again. Sometimes I wish she would have came home earlier, be there before he got there so this would've not happened. I would still be in her arms... Receiving her perfect amazing kisses.

But no. I messed it all up. Just like I always do. I wonder if my parents know I'm in here or if they'll come visit me or at least call. I miss them so much, I love my family but I understand what I did to Steph was the lowest I could've done but remember everyone makes mistakes all the time...

"Okay I'm back. Steph, Demi lets go" Hanna I believe her name was walked into my room or should I say our room. She looked up from her phone probably looking at the time, she noticed me sitting but looked around for Stephanie.

"Where's Steph?" She asked worried.

"I don't know" I whispered feeling my eyes water I quickly looked at my hands not showing my eyes were about to break out In tears.

"Hey you okay? What's wrong?" Hanna sat on my bed looking at me with worried eyes.

"I'm fine" I whispered wiping my tears away Hanna didn't push it further and give me a smile before standing up.

"Come on I'm sure music will help" I smiled and followed behind her. She lead me down the hall into a room, I walked in and took in all the beauty. "Wow" I said in shock. Hanna nodded with a little giggle. "It's so amazing" I whispered while walking around the room.

"Can I?" I asked pointing to the black grand piano in front of me. She nodded I waisted no time and sat down letting my finger tips running along the piano. "It's been too long" I whispered to myself.

"Hey Demi will you be okay for a bit I think I just saw Steph outside with mechanics" I nodded and felt a chill as she said her name. Hanna walked out letting her footsteps be heard, I look out the window noticing Stephanie talking to some girl about our age. They both smiled and giggled I can't lie I say I wasn't jealous because I sure as hell was.

But then I realized something.

She wasn't mine.

I messed it all up.

I cheated.

I was a liar.

I felt my heart pound, I could feel in hot tears in my eyes rolling off my cheeks slowly. I used all my pain and started playing the beat in my head soon words started coming out my month.

I was a liar

I gave in to the fire

I know I should've fought it

At least I'm being honest

Feel like a failure

'Cause I know that I failed you

I should've done you better

'Cause you don't want a liar

And I know, and I know, and I know

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