Chapter 30

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Five. Five days. Five shots. Five cigarettes. Five minutes left until Stephanie has to face Demi once again. After five painful days, she'll finally see her again and fall even deeper for her.

11:55 am, read the clock on Stephanie's iPhone. She was in the black tented windowed car, she didn't plan it, Mia had. She always did, she seemed like the biggest semi shipper in their group of friends.

Stephanie remembered that 3 am phone call from Mia asking her to pick up Demi so they both would ride together to the interview, "make it believable" as Mia quoted.

Truth was everyone still had their doubts. Wouldn't you? Hayley and Stephanie were always caught kissing and doing things normal couples did but not Demi or Stephanie. I mean no one has seen them actually kiss, yes they've seen them hug and out on dates, but that didn't mean a single thing. They needed more evidence, more selfies maybe? Even then, probably still wouldn't be enough. Nothing ever will be unless they were to do something truly couple like or provocative towards each other.

Stephanie then thought back to the conversion with Ashlyn that same morning. She took her words to heart and knew she was more than right. It was time to put her plan to work. She hoped it will work, after all, this could be her last chance. 

"Ms. Bell we're here" Stephanie heard her driver Sid say, nodding she looked out the window taking in Cara's new mansion. Seemed a bit too flashy for Stephanie's taste.

Demi soon walked out the front door wearing black super skinny jeans that made her ass pop out more than usual, along with leather jacket. But what got Stephanie's attention the most was the black Beatles shirt she was wearing. Stephanie couldn't remember the last time she saw that shirt, thinking she had lost it or some fan took it when in reality Demi was the reason why most of her shirts were gone. Smirking Stephanie laid back in her seat with the perfect plan to get her back.

Demi was just about to open the door when Cara ran out the door in sleeping shorts and a sweater.

"Wait babe let me get that for you" Cara told her before opening the door.

Both girls were shocked to see Stephanie sitting in the back seat wearing her sexiest smirk.

"Stephanie, what are you doing here?" Demi question confused.

"You know just here to pick up my GIRLFRIEND. Isn't that right Cara" Stephanie sure did know how to work Cara's nerves.


"Rat- I mean Cara" Cara rolled her eyes back before moving in to kiss Demi. Stephanie watched as Demi uncomfortably kissed Cara back, smirking, Stephanie wanted nothing more than to laugh but she chose to watch Cara make a fool out of herself.

Cara then suddenly squeezed Demi's ass making Demi pull back but Cara moved in again. Sid nodded to Stephanie, it was time to go so Stephanie did what she does best.

"Alright Cara, let go of my GIRL, she prefers my kisses over yours, but don't worry, I'm sure your cat might love your kisses. But then, maybe not" Cara angrily pulled back, giving Demi a chance at getting in.

"Watch yourself Bell" Cara warned. Stephanie smirked and nodded to Sid to start the car. Demi closed the door behind her, making Stephanie slide over to her side just to pull the window down.

"So just wondering, but how tasty is my DNA" Stephanie said smirking. Cara ran to attack Stephanie but just on time Sid drove away causing Cara to fall flat on the face.

Laughing Stephanie moved back to her side and looked over at Demi who was now looking out the window. Leaning over a little, Stephanie whispered into Demi's ear.

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