Chapter 21

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"Hey Steph" she whispers clearly drank as well.

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk" she answered before standing up and walking towards Stephanie.

"About wha-" Stephanie was cut off by those soft lips she loved.


Stephanie kissed back as soon as her lips were on hers. She pulled back, observing her green eyes and blushed cheeks.

"Hayley" Stephanie let out before Hayley moved in again connecting their lips together, Stephanie's hands moved her Hayley ass making sure to squeeze it roughly earning moans from Hayley. While Stephanie worked on Hayley's neck Hayley was desperately trying to pull Stephanie's leather jacket off.

"Take this off" Hayley moaned. Stephanie took her jacket off without leaving Hayley's neck. Stephanie pulled off Hayley's sweater along with her shirt before connection their lips.

"couch or bed" Stephanie whispered in her ear before biting it gently.

"bed" Hayley whispered, Stephanie wasted no time and lifting Hayley up and wrapping her legs around her waist before walking upstairs.

"I missed you" Hayley whispered against Stephanie lips.

"I miss you too" Stephanie answered before pushing Hayley against the wall.

"Fuck" Hayley groaned when Stephanie ripped her bra off taking one of her nipple into her month and playing with the other.

Hayley pulled Stephanie shirt off and started running her nails along Stephanie back deep and hard. Stephanie worked her way to Hayley jeans, unbuttoning them and placing her hand were Hayley craved it the most.

"Oh my god!" Hayley yelled as Stephanie pumped 3 fingers into her roughly but not hard enough to hurt her. Stephanie kept pushing in and out making Hayley hit her climax, helping her ride out Stephanie kissed her lips softly.

"Fuck that's amazing" Hayley said smiling.

"I bet, you did get there really fast" Stephanie smirked.

"Shut up" Hayley told her before moving Stephanie closer to kiss her lips.

"I thought you were mad at me" Stephanie pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"I was never mad Stephanie, hurt yes but never mad.  Sometimes when you have to let go of something your madly deeply in love with it kills you"

"Why? Why didn't you do it"

"because your management had already told me back the semi project. I just could handle it if I heard you say those words."

"I was never going to leave you Hayley. You were my everything, you have no idea how badly I took that break up"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to be dropped from the label because of me. I could never live with that Steph"

"I don't care. I would have left it all for you Hayley"

"No. You know you don't mean that"

"But I do. I wouldn't left it all just too still hold you in my arms every night and see your beautiful face every morning" Hayley had tears running down her face, Stephanie kissed her tears making Hayley giggle.

"I never stopped loving you Stephanie and I don't think I ever will" Stephanie looked back into Hayley eyes before deciding what to do next.

"Let's get back together" Hayley felt her heart melt right there and then.

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