Chapter 3

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Stephanie's POV

London... That's where my next stop is. A week in the beautiful state called the UK. First time going there, should I be worried? Nah I don't think so. I've been dreaming of coming to London but yet again who hasn't? It's amazing but this week is only work. Work! God I'm tired of it now. If it weren't for my fans I would be on vacation far away from this all for a month or two. I'm missing Dallas... Is that weird? I know stayed there for a couple of days. I miss the warm air against my skin. Dallas may not be the right place to go back too... After all I met Demi there. Demi... One name I never want to hear. She hurt me, just like Kylie did. Maybe I should just be single and marry a computer or something.

"Steph we're here" John said behind me. I smiled back at him before grabbing my bag and walking out the plane.

"Welcome to the UK, Ms. Bell" I smiled kindly. I couldn't help but stare at this guy, he was about 6'1, dark brown hair, big brown eyes, perfect white teeth with a huge warm smile. He helped me with my bag and my pillow.

"Yeah nice to see you too, now don't flirt with Ms. Bell" like always John kills my mood. He's what I think my father would have been if he was here. He can do a total jerk but is a big teddy bear.

"Easy dad, I like this one" the guy stood up giving me a smile.

"What's your name?" He took my other bag from John.

"It's Chris my lady" he picked my hand up and kiss it. I could feel my cheek burn and a goofy smile across my face.

"Okay that's enough, let go" John pushed me sightly. I began walking when I felt someone to my side. I look up at Chris, he handed me his number and ran in front of me to open the door.

I looked back at John who rolled his eyes, I giggled and kept walking. I get were John is coming from every state I go too guys and sometimes even girls give me their numbers and try to flirt with me. Yes try John here, he pushes them away unless I say I like them or something.

"Don't worry I'll get you some Fish and Chips" his face lit up like a little kid who just got his first toy car.

"I'm sorry Ms, but we can't go down is way" one of the men around us said.

"Why not" John spoke up.

"Ms. Bells fans are everywhere" haha! You gotta love my fans. Crazy bitches I love them so so much.

"It's okay, let's go" everyone nodded, John grabbed both my arms. Last time we went threw a crowd like this, let's just say my arms almost were pulled off.

"Holy shit" my eyes widen, there was people all over. Thank god they had gates up and guards around. The crowd lost it as soon as they had spotted me. Girls and guys jumping up and down screaming "I love you's" just another day in the office haha.

"STEPH!!! PLEASE CAN I GET YOUR AUTO!" I looked up at John, he shook his head no.

"Please! Come on their my fans, I don't want to disappoint them" I made my cutest puppy eyes and frown. He sighed and said.

"Mia is going to kill me!" I told him I would deal with her. He finally gave in. I took my phone out and started a keek. It's like they knew I was because they all became quiet.

"Hey guys! Well I just got to London, and I was on my way out when this happen" I turned my phone over and everyone cheered and jumped up and down again.

"I fucking love my Crazybells!" I ended the keek and then ran over to my left side. John ran also with a few other body guards.

"Hey okay guys I can't take pictures with everyone I'm sorry but let's take a group picture okay" they all nodded and posed.

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