Chapter 15

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Steph's POV

It's been a while, and by while I mean a month and two weeks. Today's Hayley's birthday, my baby is turning 27 which is crazy, honesty. We've been together through a lot of things and still going through a few but hey! We're still here right!? I mean that's good.

We're actually about to have our 1 year and third month anniversary. Yeah I know it's been a while. We didn't really get to celebrate our year because of certain events and we both thought it was best to just wait for the right time.

But today was Hayley's day. That is why I woke up super early and made her birthday breakfast and a something sweet for later. Speaking of, I carefully walked into our room and placed the breakfast tray on my side of the bed so if she sat up she wouldn't knock anything down.

"Spongebob, spongebob wake up" I giggled quietly shaking her. Hayley groaned pulling the covers up to her face. Hayley's really not a morning person. "Hayley, baby, I need you to wake up" I whispered into her ear. Hayley slowly pulled down the covers sitting up stretching making her shirt raise up a little showing her cute tummy. I moved the tray in front of her and stepped back to pull out my phone to record "Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday SpongeBob
Happy birthday to you
Thanks, Hayley
For all the things you've done
For the sweet kisses
For all the times we've fucked -"
"STEPHANIE!" Hayley cut me off. I laughed and turned my phone towards me.
"I mean made love" I sang then winked before turning back to Hayley "And all our memories , I love you so much, Happy Birthday baby" I walked back over to her and pulled her passionate kiss pulling back Hayley eyes were still close and she was biting her lip. I ended the video and turned back to Hayley,
"You made this for me" Hayley asked as soon as she saw her breakfast. I nodded while Hayley moved over to give me room so I could sit. "I didn't know you could cook" I smiled but then smirked.
"Oh there's a lot of things you don't know about me love" I whispered into her ear, I felt her body shake with chills I giggled. I fed her some of her breakfast and watched her moan with each bite.
"This is really good. Your a really good cook baby" Hayley moaned once again. I smiled drinking my orange juice.
"So what you doing on your big day" I finally asked since I honestly had no idea if she had the day off or not. I know I did but Hayley was a totally different story.
"I need to go into the studio" I pouted just so Hayley would peck my lips.
"But it's your birthday" she nodded feeding me the last bit before moving the tray aside and cuddling into me.
"I know but work is work. It's for the album it's almost out you know that." I nodded taking her hand in mine. "And it's only one, you know we all don't work fast like you" I turned to her and smirked.
My album was done. And it was coming out first thing next year. I worked so hard on it just so it would be out and now it's almost here! I can't wait! Paramore's album will be out soon as well in February which I can't wait for, it's been a long time since they had an album out.
"Do you want me to come with?" Hayley's had the biggest smile on.
"I was hopping you would" I leaned in and kissed her softly.
"I love your kisses" she pulled back whispering.
"I love you" I whispered. Hayley stopped and looked at me blushing. "I love you too" she said before pulling me back into another kiss.
The kiss started to slowly get heated with Hayley on siting on my lap and my hands on her breast but she pulled back breathing hard just before I could kiss down her neck.
"Baby" breath "let's take this to the shower" breath giggle.
"Shower?" I smirked breathless. Hayley nodded shyly having her arms wrapped around my neck this whole time.
"We need to head into the studio soon. Two things at once?" Hayley shyly asked. I raised my eyebrow at her as she blushed. I love it when Hayley goes all shy on me.
"Anything for you SpongeBob" Hayley rolled her eyes then yelled when I quickly stood up carrying her with me into our bathroom.
"You scared the shit out of me!" Hayley slapped my bum, which only made me laugh.
After our shower we got change and started making our into my car. On the way there Twenty One Pilots started playing, so you know Hayley and I were jamming out to them the whole way there.
Outside the studio of course there was paps all over the place. Hayley grabbed my hand as we walked in ignoring the paparazzi stupid dumb questions. There's no way I'm giving them my words just so they can change them into something it's not, just for money. They make enough with these pictures.
"Hey you okay?" Hayley asked as she poked my stomach.
"Yeah" I smiled. She nodded while wrapping her arms around my neck again, damn I never seen Hayley this active before. She then stood on her toes and passionately attacked my lips with hers.
The elevator door opened causing both of us to pull back, Hayley wiped her lip gloss off my lips then grabbed my hand leading the way the the studio of course. I held her hand but stepped behind her so her bum was just against my front Hayley lightly moaned, I couldn't help but laugh loud.
"See this is why we take our time in bed not a quickie in the shower" she pouted nodding.
"Later" I winked. Hayley smirked pulling me into the studio. Her manager, Jeremy and Taylor were already there getting ready. Hayley walked in first and I followed, her manager and Jeremy both hugged me tightly while Taylor shook my hand. I don't know why but Taylor has always been that weird around me, but with Hayley. He always hugs her longer then the other guys, I don't mind it since they have been in the group for a while but sometimes...
"Baby, Stephanie" Hayley calls me.
"Huh? Sorry, what's up" I smile.
"Dan's talking to you, you sure you okay you keep zoning out" Hayley looked concern, I kissed her cheek "I'm fine" she didn't believe it but also didn't push it.
"Yes Dan" I turn to their manager.
"Hayley has a surprise for you. You might want to sit down mate" I looked at Hayley who had completely turned into shy Hayley again. I sat down next to Dan and started to talk about Paramore's album until music was heard. I looked at Dan, he smirked and turned me to Hayley.

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