Chapter 25

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Jennel's POV

"Can we just talk about it!" I yelled after Valerie. She kept walking with her arms crossed over each other. I just couldn't believe she was holding everything against me right now.

"There's nothing to talk about! You lied to me! I told you everything including my deepest darkest secret when you've been lying this whole time!" She came to a stop and turned to face me. "I fucking hate you!" She raised her hand to slap me but I caught it in time.

"I didn't lie to you! I wanted nothing more then to protect you! Val, you said it yourself all the time. You would hate the fame life. I was thinking about you." She shook her head and kept trying to push me off.

"Your a lier! When were you planing to tell me Stephanie offered you a record deal!? Huh tell me! Or the fact that you're moving! You're going on fucking tour Jennel! You said we were in this together but now I think it was just all a game to you"

"Baby no it was never that. I love you. I've fallen so hard and still am falling, everything about you is amazing. Please, we can work this out-"

"No" I stood back. Tears were rolling down both of our faces. "I can't be with someone who wouldn't ever fully commit to me" I went in to hug her but she only stepped back. "Goodbye Jennel" I watched, bawling, as she walked away.

Fuck, I fucked up! One day before her college graduation and farewell dance. I had already got my dress, red, just for her.

I made my way home and straight to my room. I took out my phone and noticed Stephanie had texted me once again.

This morning she had offered me a record deal, which I haven't replied too. I didn't know what to say. I've always wanted to have my music known by other people but the thought of leaving Valerie behind scared me. I honestly do love her with every bone in my body. We've been together for 7 months, it would've been 2 years if she didn't have a girlfriend at the time but all those days I've only fallen harder.

With a decision in mind I dialed Stephanie's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Ello, Steph here" I smiled, it's been such a long time since I heard her voice.

"Hey Steph, it's Jennel"

"Jennel? Sorry I don't know a Jennel" she couldn't finish because she started laughing. "Hey Jen I missed you!"

"I missed you too Steph"

"So what do you say? Want to start living your dreams"

"Yeah. When should we meet"

"I'll have someone pick you up today in about two hours. Sound good?" I nodded but remembered she couldn't see me.

"Yeah. That's perfect"

"Great see you then"

"See you" hanging up I sighed loud. Had I just accepted to leave everything behind?

Yes I had. With that in mind I walked downstairs and told my family the big news. I was crushed in huge hugs by them all. I watched my family cry and heard them all say how proud of me they were.

I knew deep down in my heart I would regret not being around them all the time. Missing big family events, missing birthdays, miss watching everybody become older, missing holidays, missing just their simple presence- even if we didn't talk or weren't in the exact same room, even through all of the ups and downs, it was nice to know we were all safe in the same house that united us as a family. However, I was filled with such great gratitude as they gave me so much support. No matter what, it's nice to know that at the end of the day, we're able to recognize each other's wants and needs and sacrifice our own wants and needs to support one another. It makes it harder to leave, but also easier as I know that they are backing me up one hundred percent.

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