Chapter 16

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Steph's POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating, I opened my eyes to see a naked Hayley peacefully sleeping on my chest, I rubbed my left eye and reached for my phone.

"Hello?" I answered already knowing it was Mia.

"Stephanie, sorry for waking you up but I seriously need to talk to you" she stern.

"It's okay Mia, right now?"

"Yes actually. I'll meet you in the studio please try to hide as much as you can" I nodded but then remember I'm on the phone with her.

"Yeah I'll be in 10 minutes" I hanged up and faced Hayley. I carefully got from under her but she only pulled me in.

"Hayley baby I need to meet Mia" she shook her head and pulled me into her. "Baby I seriously need to go" Hayley sat up and straddled my lap, I laughed as she laid back down this time burying her face in my neck. "Baby I need to get up" I stopped when I felt her start to grind to hips against mine.

"Are you sure you want to leave now?" She whispered bringing my leg up so we were touching. Fuck she knows I can't resist grinding.

"Hayley, please it's important. Your so fucking sexy but I'm really sore from last night. I'm all cummed out honey" she giggled and kissed me before rolling off. I faced her, "actually I could still go for a few more rounds but I seriously need to see Mia so later I promise" Hayley looked annoyed but nodded. I kissed her before hopping into the shower.


I walked into the studio without getting noticed by fans or paparazzi. I was met with John, Mia and some dude I've never seen before.

"Hey Johnny boy! And Mia" I hugged then both and turned to the man. "Hello sir nice to meet you I'm Stephanie"

"I know who you are" he said in a deep voice. Mia and John both didn't say anything. I nodded and took a seat.

"So what's this about?" I asked after a while of silence.

"This, miss bell. Is it for you" I nearly choked on my saliva. Mia and John both had the same reaction.

"What? How!?" I yelled.

"Miss Bell, I'm not sure if your aware of the drama between the lovatics and crazybells" what? He's fucking joking right!?

"Your fucking kidding me right!?"

"No Miss Bell I'm not kidding you. Capitol Records doesn't like all the hate between both fandom's, we knew you two were dating things were great then, actually they were perfect since both ends were getting paid extra for all this semi couple drama, since you two went your own ways the drama and money lost has started. And I'm not saying it's a lot of money since Stephanie you do make way more then Demi but semi alone makes more then both of you together." Of course everything's about money these days.

"So now what" Mia finally asked.

"Well, again I'm not sure if your aware but Demi performed a song last night and let's just say, Stephanie that song made have made you look bad" I looked at Mia and John then at the guy. "Here let me just show you" he grabbed the iPad and went on YouTube typing in the name. "Actually the studio version was released this morning we'll watch both" he first clicked the performance someone videotaped.

"Guys! I actually wrote this new song but I need you to please put all your phones away I promise you this song will be out next week. I need you all to give me your full attention this song means the world to me and if I can't finished it because theirs tears running down my face I'm sorry." Demi told the audience on the verge of tears

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