Chapter 13

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Steph's POV

It's been an hour since my single has been out and it was already beating the charts. My fans went crazy over it, and I mean crazy. They seriously crash iTunes and Twitter, I have thee best fans in the world.

Today is also the day Hayley will release the video and song for "Hate To See Your Heart Break". Remember the one we messed around with while I was in treatment, well her record label loved it. Hayley and her manager asked me to help out with Paramore's new album, which I couldn't turn down since my girlfriend practically begged me for hours and hours.

Oh, and we'll also performing our song today for the lucky people of New York. Paramore's concert was tonight, I just happened to be in New York for a photo shoot. Wink wink, wasn't planed at all.

Everything seem to be going good in my life so far, which I was truly blessed for.

My tour will start in an month with Fifth Harmony and Tori Kelly but it's only for three months. Then God knows what I'll do.

"Baby, have you ever thought about dying your hair" Hayley giggled running her finger tips through my jet black hair.

"Yeah a few times, what did you have in mind" I looked up from Hayley's lap, seeing her cute little smirk on her lips.

"Come with me" she stood up causing me to sit up from her lap.


"Wow" was all I could say after looking at my reflection. Hayley had completely died my hair from my natural jet black to red, and I mean bright red.

"I know!" Hayley worshiped behind me.

It honesty looked amazing, in some way I wanted my old hair color back. But sometimes you must move on to new things.

"You hate it don't you" I heard Hayley behind me. I watched her from the mirror, she had also died her hair half pink and half orange. It looked good. Really good.

"No, I'm just not to seeing my hair this bright. I love it" I turned around and took Hayley in my arms.

"You excited to meet my parents today?" Hayley asked. I had almost forgot about meeting Hayley's parents tonight. Well add that to the to- do list.

"I'm nervous but yes I am" Hayley clapped before placing her arms around my neck.

"Red is really your color" Hayley whispered leaning in.

"You think?" I whispered back. Hayley nodded before kissing me softly, I moved us into the bedroom and laid Hayley on the bed.

"Baby we can't" Hayley stopped my hand from moving down to her underwear. I nodded but started kissing on her neck, I knew she loved my neck kisses more then anything.

"Stephanie, seriously no." She moans but doesn't try to stop me. Until. "Stephanie I'm on my period" I pull back looking down to her. Hayley's cheeks were bright red with embarrassment almost matching my hair. I stared deeply into her eyes, knowing that it scared her then I laughed loudly.

"Uh I hate you" Hayley pushed me off by my stomach. "I am going to go call my mom" I laid on my back laughing at Hayley only receiving a pillow to the face.


So it was time. Time to finally meet Hayley's mother. I'm pretty nervous but by the way Hayley's talking about her, she sounds great. Wonder what her thoughts on me dating her daughter are. I just hope she'll like me, since I am the first girl Hayley is bring home.

"Baby stop worrying she's going to love you" I nodded at Hayley's comment. I reached over to take her hand in my mine.

We were now outside the hotel Hayley's mother was staying at. Getting out the car I rushed over to Hayley's side to help her out. In a blink of an eye we were surrounded by paparazzi.

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