Chapter 29

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When morning came along, Stephanie had once again found herself staring at that gray wall in the living room. She couldn't get any sleep, nor was she tired. She was cold, very cold. So cold her body shook a bit with every breath she took, she was still in her boxers and bra, not that it mattered anyway. The sunset that morning was a delight; Stephanie loved it.

Ashlyn was the first one to wake up and walk downstairs. In her oversize shirt and boy shorts, she handed Stephanie a blanket. Thanking her, Stephanie covered her freezing body and took out her phone. She went through Twitter not really reading anything, scrolled down her Tumblr page, nothing caught her eye. Nothing at all.

"Hey you okay? You seem a bit off this morning" Ashlyn said taking a seat across from Stephanie. Nodding, Stephanie shut her phone off and looked outside, the air was slightly creating little waves in the pool.

"How'd you sleep ash" Stephanie asked shocking Ashlyn, never had she asked anyone about their wellbeing before. Why the sudden change?

Yet Ashlyn went along with it. "I slept well Steph. How about yourself?"

"It was a long night" Stephanie sighed. Ashlyn looked at her confused. She was going to ask about it, but didn't when they heard a bedroom door swing open.

Both girls looked to the stairs waiting to see who it was that came down, seconds later Melanie walked down slowly. A little too slow for Stephanie.

"Melanie, what's wrong. Why are you walking like that" Stephanie's questions frightened her when she realized she wasn't the only one awake.

"Uh" Melanie replied. Ashlyn caught on and with one loud laugh, helping Stephanie believe her doubts.

"I'm going to kill her" Stephanie spit crossing her arms over each other. Ashlyn watched, amused with the two soon to be step- sisters. Stephanie had already took the big sister roll and was always protective of Melanie.

"Steph, it's okay. I wanted it. She, uh she was gentle"

"Okay stop right there! I don't need details." Ashlyn and Melanie giggled at Stephanie's outburst. Stephanie rolled her eyes, grabbed her guitar and took a seat once again.

Softly playing, Stephanie played a beautiful melody that was heard all around the huge house. It was slowly waking everyone up without them even noticing it. Once everyone was down Stephanie stopped playing in which everyone clapped. Handing Camila the guitar just like she had asked, Stephanie stood up to get a cup of water.

Stephanie stood behind the counter top with a small smile on her lips. She watched all the girls with positive attitudes, not one of them was down or upset. It was quite beautiful.

Demi woke up in a room she knew all too well. The neon lights were still on, but the side next to her was empty. Had she slept in Stephanie's bed alone? How did she get there?, were the question she kept asking herself. Quickly getting out of bed, she realized she was only in her undergarments. She searched the white carpet in Stephanie's room for any sign of her clothes, but there was none, except for Stephanie's jeans and band shirt.

Raising the shirt up, Demi was hit with the strong smell of 'Old Spice', it was one of her favorites. She didn't want to get out another t-shirt from Stephanie's closet so she simply put it on. It stopped mid-thigh, making it long, but not too long, the perfect size. Demi combed her hair back with her fingers before walking downstairs to look for the others.

"Hey! You never showed us that Spanish song you were writing! I ain't speak Spanish but I still can listen" Dinah yelled loud enough as Demi was coming down the stairs.

"Can't" Lauren commented making Dinah roll her eyes at the green eyed girl.

"I'm actually filming the music video today, thanks for reminding me DJ. As to the listening to the song, I can't. Sorry, but it's a surprise" Stephanie finished causing all the girls to boo and make Stephanie smile.

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