Chapter 19

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Steph's POV

The next morning all that was heard on anything was my listening video. Yeah my fans had not stopped talking about it. Mia had tweeted it for me because I honestly went home that night in tears. My heart was still aching for Hayley.

Mia, John, and I were in my hotel room going over some of my reviews, they were. I was in deep thought. "LOOK ANOTHER ONE!" John yelled jumping up and down. Yeah only good reviews.

"Hey guys can I get some air?" I asked the pair. Mia nodded while John threw me the car keys. "Thanks" I grabbed my beanie and walked out with my glasses on.

The drive wasn't that far, maybe an hour but it sure did ease my mind. I haven't been here in such a long time. It's funny because I moved out here just to get away from if all and now I'm back to where I started. I got out my car locking it I noticed Demi sitting outside her front steps. Just like the first time I saw her.

"Hey you actually came" she beamed and standing.

"Yeah, I couldn't leave this place behind that soon" I walked over to her and sat down next to her. We both sat in silence until Demi spoke.

"What's on your mind?" I could tell she was worried.

"Nothing just thinking" I whispered.

"No your not, tell me what's really on your mind" I faced her, her eyes had this beautiful light brown glow to them and her smile was small but adorable. Something about being in this light made her look different, the good different that is.

"I can't right now. Someday I will" Demi placed her head on shoulder while letting out a sighed.

"You promise?" She asked looking up at me from my shoulder.

"I promised" I nodded and watched her smile before leaned her head back down. We heard a few clicks here and there causing us to get up. "Wanna go for a ride?" I smirked. Demi nodded scared before locking her door and following behind me.

"So where we going?" Demi asked looking straight at me.

"The moon" Demi looked confused but didn't asked more. I smirked and drove a little faster which only scared her, she held onto the door frame tightly.


"Hello Dallas! Hello is everyone feeling tonight!!? So, here's the thing usually I use a fan from this next number but tonight I have a special guest with me, so please welcome Ms, Demi Lovato!" Wow the crowd seriously lost it then. Maybe this whole semi being big was actually true.

Demi walked in her usual leather black leggings with one of mine band shirts she borrowed backstage.

"Hey Dallas! No not my sister you guys!" The crowd seriously went crazy. "Hey Steph" she said with a wink.

"Hello Demetria" I told her smiling.

The crowd only got louder, should've brought some earphones with me. Demi smiled. "Ready?" I asked stepping beside her. She nodded and turned around. We had worked on a different routine to surprise the fans.

The lights went off making the fans super excited. I quickly ran backstage and pulled of band shirt replacing it with a white under shirt and over it a blue long sleeve jacket over it. I heard my band buying us time making the crowd get very eager. I looked to my left to see Mel, Ashlyn and 5H all dressed and ready. Demi was just putting on her high heels while everyone complemented her about how pretty she looked. I would be lying if I said she wasn't.

"Okay everyone ready?" Mia yelled over the band. Everyone nodded as they made a circle. "I can tell you girls are nervous but it's okay. Just go out there and have fun! Demi and Steph please give everyone what they want to see" Demi and I both nodded. "Good luck now go get them!" The band stopped playing, Demi and I walked out first followed by Ashlyn, Lauren and Dinah. The lights were still off but people in the first rolls could see us which caused them to scream, and that made everyone scream.

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