The Wheeler Residence

732 5 13


Gay slurs,
Strong Language,


I'm finally home. I walked as soon as the bell rang because I knew Devon was coming straight over and he would have to wait for Junior to start walking.

I took that as an opportunity to avoid them.

Cory will be over at 9:30 so I have 6 hours to kill..

I entered my room and plugged my phone in.

I could play some video games right now...

I turned on my PS5 and my TV. I had to switch the channel over.

I loaded onto Friday The 13 : The Game.


I walked over to Juniors. His parents aren't home and the Maid is with her family so it's just us!... and jake. But he usually stays in his room.

Junior tries to open the front door but it's shut.

Junior : looks like moron shut the door. We're locked out.

Devon : I'll call him.. Never mind... I don't have his number.

Junior : Do you want it? That way later we can prank call him. But for now, I will call him.

He answered after about 10 seconds.

Jake : Yes Junior?

Junior : You locked us out.

Jake : Shit. Sorry. I'll come let you in now.

After a minute or two he opened the door.

Jake : sor-

Junior shoved past him and ignored him.

Jake shrugged and walked back upstairs to his room.

I followed Junior and he went to the kitchen. He grabbed us both pop sickles.

Junior : Red or Blue.

Devon : my whole room is literally painted blue.

I said taking the blue one.

We went upstairs and we could hear Jakes TV emitting a scary theme. It was Friday the 13th part 6.

Junior opened his door.

Junior : can you turn that down?! Or put headphones in or something?!

I looked at the TV and he was playing the Friday the 13th game.

He was playing Tiffany. Ew.

Jake : Oh yeah sur-

Junior shut the door.

A bit rude. Explains a lot.

We just walked into his room without another word.

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now