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Charlie POV

There is peace in the house for once. It's taken a promise of chocolate cake later and an agreement to let the kids sit and watch a movie for the time being, to bring the usual noise level right down, but I'm grateful. There is so much to do still before the guests start to arrive for Nick's birthday party. He turned 34 earlier in the week but we're having a party now, on the weekend, to celebrate with all our friends and family.

"Nanny's here!" I hear the shriek of excitement and the sound of running feet breaking the silence and sigh, dropping the dish towel from my hands and going into the hallway to find our oldest, Isla, has pulled the front door wide open. Sarah Nelson is on the front porch, arms filled with gifts and bags of food.

"Isla Charlotte, how many times do we have to tell you not to open the door without me or Daddy?" I scold, and the little girl turns to me with a pout.

"But I saw nanny from the window."

"What if there had been another person outside with me that you didn't see?" Sarah asked. She knows that Nick and I have been having this fight with Isla for a while now and is being so great in supporting us.

"You never know who is outside the door." I say, moving closer to help take some bags from my mother-in-law. "Hi, Sarah. It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Charlie. How are you?"

"Exhausted. And it's only ten in the morning."

"Well, I'm here now, so put me to work." I smile at her as we move into the kitchen where practically every surface is covered in food and boxes and plates, all ready to be prepared and set out.

"You might have to say 'hello' to Nick and the other kids first. But then I'd love some help in here."

"Alright. Where is that son of mine?"

"He's outside. I'll call him in." While Sarah goes into the living room, being met with cheers from the kids, I go to the back door and open it. Nick is on the patio, setting out chairs since it's still fairly warm so people can sit outside today if they want. "Babe, your mum is here."

"Oh, already?" He looks up, and I smile when I see that his hair is all messed up from the slight breeze. "I'll be inside in a bit. I'm sure the kids are all over her already anyway."

"Mm. Isla answered the door." He gives me a tight-lipped smile, understanding my frustration. I go to speak again but am interrupted by our baby, Rosie, running into my legs.

"Papa, papa. Come see!"

"Baby, be careful. You nearly made Papa fall over." I scoop the giggling three-year-old into my arms, setting her on my hip.

"Sowwy, papa. I go too speedy." My heart melts a little, and I smile at her. I will always have a soft spot for my baby girl.

"You were very speedy." Nick says, coming over and kissing her forehead. "I think someone takes a little after their papa."

"That's the only way she resembles me." Little Rosie is the spitting image of Nick when he was a baby, down to the chubby baby cheeks and light spattering of freckles.

When we first had the twins, we made the decision that we didn't want to know which one of us was the biological father of any of our kids. We would both love them all the same, regardless. But with Rosie, she looks so much like Nick that it would be near impossible for her to be from me. Maybe that's why I have such a soft spot for her.

"Papa, come see." Rosie taps my cheek gently, reminding me of why she came running out in the first place, and I carry her inside, Nick following behind as she directs me to the living room. "See? It Nanny."

"Oh, so that's where you went running to." Sarah laughs when she sees us. Astrid is in her arms, the little girl cuddling close to her grandmother. "Hello, Nicky. Happy birthday."

"Thanks, mum."

"Nanny, it's not Daddy's birthday. That was on Wednesday." Fin points out, and Nick goes over to our son, sitting beside him on the big fluffy blue rug.

"You're right, buddy. But I didn't see nanny on my birthday. And we're having a party today, so she's just saying it now."

"Oh." Fin leans into Nick's side, and Nick hugs him close. Their bond is so special. Sometimes, I wish I was closer with my only son, but I have a similar bond with Rosie now, so I guess it's only fair.

"Do you guys think you can go back to behaving while the grown-ups keep working?" I ask, setting Rosie back onto the floor beside Isla, who has been sitting quietly, probably sulking since I scolded her before.

"Yes, Papa." Astrid is the only one to verbally reply, but the others all nod. I turn the TV back to playing whatever movie they'd had on before and then leave them to it.

In the kitchen, Sarah, Nick, and I get to work finishing up the food for the party. We chat easily, and the time passes quickly until we are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. A second later, Isla appears in the kitchen, fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"Papa, the door. Can I answer it?" Nick is facing away from her, so he is able to hide the smirk on his face, but I have to bite it back as I reply,

"With me, okay? Let's go." Together, we go to the front door, opening it to find Tara and Darcy on the front step, their two kids behind them. "Hey guys. Come on in."

"Hi Uncle Charlie, hi Isla." Greyson, who is now twelve, gives me a hug before turning to his cousin.

"Hey, buddy. Hi, Eden." Tara and Darcy's daughter is only five and still pretty shy, so it always takes a bit to get her to open up, but she smiles as she hugs me. "The kids are all in the living room watching TV if you want to join them."

"Cool." Eden mumbles, moving to follow Isla, but Tara grabs her shoulder.

"Hold on, go and say happy birthday to Uncle Nick first. Both of you." Tara is definitely more of the strict parent, which isn't surprising. The little family follows me into the backyard where Nick is starting up the barbecue.

"Happy birthday, Uncle Nick." Greyson and Eden chime together. They both hug Nick before hurrying back inside to find their cousins.

It's not long before there are more people arriving, and I find myself hurrying back and forth between the front door, the kitchen, and the backyard as I guide people inside. Sarah keeps herself busy by making sure the food table in the living room is always stocked. While Nick started out manning the barbecue, Darcy took over after a while, claiming as the birthday boy Nick should be free to mingle with the guests.

By the time the last guests leave, I'm barely awake. I feel like a zombie, waving to Isaac from the front door.

"Why don't you head up to bed, Charlie?" Nick's voice is soft and comforting, just like his arms as he wraps them around me once the door is shut.

"The kitchen..." I mumble, vaguely gesturing towards the messy room in question, but Nick just tightened his hold on me, carrying me towards the stairs.

"Can wait. You're exhausted. Go up to bed. I'll lock up and check the kids and be with you soon, okay?" He sets me on the bottom step and pulls back. "Thank you for everything you've done today, baby."

"You're welcome." Looking up, I see the soft smile on his lips in the moment before he kisses me.

"Love you. Now, go on upstairs." He whispers, giving me a gentle push. I don't need any more encouragement, turning and half stumbling up the stairs to our bedroom.

I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth quickly before crawling under the covers and waiting for Nick. I'm barely awake when he arrives, climbing in beside me and holding his arms open for me to snuggle into.

"The kids?" I ask, my eyes closed.

"All fast asleep. They're exhausted too."

"Okay. Happy Birthday, Nick." I feel his lips against my hair when he kisses me and even though I'm basically asleep, I hear him whisper,

"Sleep tight, Charlie. I love you."

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