little princess

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I'm really starting to regret insisting that Nick go on this ambassador trip. When he left, I'd been fine. My due date is still weeks away but apparently the baby decided they want to come early. So now I'm finding myself without him as I try to breathe through contractions. 

"You're doing great, Charlie. Just keep breathing." Darcy, my midwife and birthing coach, encourages me softly.

"When's Nick getting here?" I manage to get out, wincing as a particularly strong contraction rips through me.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. The Queen Mother said they have gotten in contact with him but there's issues with the weather or something and they couldn't get the plane in the air straight away. Theyre on their way now." She is sympathetic and if I wasn't in so much pain, I would be more grateful but I just want Nick to be here with me.

I let out a groan and push myself off the bed. "I need to walk." 

"Okay, here, hold onto me. We don't need you falling." I'm grateful for her slipping her arm around my waist as we slowly begin to walk around the room. It's awkward to walk, the baby sitting really low, ready to come out but I'm desperate to keep them in until Nick can get here.

"Oh God, this hurts so much more than I remember." I moan, stopping in the middle of the room to breathe through another contraction.

"I know. But you're doing so well." Darcy encourages.

It continues like that for the next hour. Just the two of us walking around the room, pausing every now and then when a contraction hits. She encourages me through it, gentle reminders that I can get through this. Sarah comes in after a while, telling me that Nick's flight is landing in the next half an hour. It brings some relief but I know that the airport is still an hour away. And with my contractions getting closer together and stronger every second, I don't know if he'll make it on time.


"Breathe, Charlie, just breathe. You've got this." I'm laying on the bed, trying to keep my breathing steady. Sarah is sitting beside me, holding my hand and wiping my sweaty forehead with a cool cloth. Darcy and the family doctor are at the foot of the bed, between my legs. There are no gaps between my contractions now and I feel the urge to push.

"No, no, I can't. I need Nick." I sob, trying to pull away. 

"He's coming, Charlie. I promise. But you have to stay here. The baby is coming now." Darcy tells me, her hands resting on my knees. "Come on, now, give me a big push."

"I can't!"

"You can. Big, push Charlie." I can't hold back on the urge anymore and let out a loud sob as I bear down, feeling the baby's head move downwards. 

Sarah, Darcy and the doctor all keep encouraging me and I try to follow their instructions but it's hard and it hurts and I just want Nick. I've been pushing for about ten minutes when I collapse back against the pillows, breathing hard and sobbing. Their voices fade into the background as I sob.

"Charlie, Charlie, come on, sweetheart. You want to meet your baby, right?" Sarah says, right beside my ear and I can only nod. "Yeah, Nick is so close, sweetheart. But you need to keep going, okay?"

"Okay." I renew my grip on her hand and sit up a little.

"You're doing so well, Charlie. First baby is nearly here. A few more big pushes and the head will be out." Darcy tells me. "Push, Charlie."

"Oooh, it hurts." I moan, pushing as hard as I can, the sensation of the baby's head starting to crown sending a burning pain through my body.

"Keep going, the head is nearly out." The doctor's hands are somewhere I would definitely prefer them not to be but I know he's just doing his job, making sure my baby is born safely. 

I push again, and suddenly feel the head slip out. I breathe heavily, knowing the hard part is over, for now. Darcy and the doctor check over the baby as I try to catch my breath and ready myself for the next part.

I'm just about ready to go again when the door flies open, crashing into the wall and an out of breath Nick appears.

"I'm here. I'm here. I didn't miss it, did I?" He's panting almost as hard as I am but rushes over to me.

"You made it." I say quietly. 

"I'd never miss this, baby." He shuffles in to sit behind me so that I'm leaning back against his chest.

"Okay, we ready?" Darcy asked.

"Yeah." I nod and grip onto Nick's hands, using his strength to help me push. Only a few minutes, I feel the baby slip from my body and seconds later, there's a shrill cry filling the room. Our baby is here. Darcy wraps it in a blanket and passes the crying baby to me.

"It's a girl. Congratulations." Tears spill over from my eyes as I look down at my daughter. Behind me, Nick leans close to look over my shoulder.

"She's beautiful, Char." He whispers, kissing my cheek.

"I love her so much."

"Does she have a name?" I'd nearly forgotten Sarah was here. She'd moved aside when Nick got here but speaks up now. I look up, turning to Nick first before I answer.

"Anastasia Rose."

"Welcome to the world, beautiful girl." Nick says softly, reaching around me to stroke our baby girl's head. "We love you so much already."


The Royal family would like to announce the birth of Princess Anastasia Rose Nelson. 

The headline is on every front page the next morning. Nick reads the articles to me as we sit in bed having breakfast. Anastasia is cradled in my arms and Alex is curled against Nick's other side. It's a lovely family moment that I just want to burn into my memory. I lean into Nick's shoulder and he presses a kiss to the side of my head.

"I love you, Nick." I say quietly. "I'm glad you made it yesterday."

"Me too. If we have more babies, I will not be leaving you for the entire pregnancy. I never want to risk missing the birth of our babies."

"Okay." I look up at him. "I want more babies with you."

"Babe, you just gave birth. Let's give it a few months, okay?" He laughs and I nod, nuzzling back into his side.

"I know. But just so you know. I want so many babies with you."

"And we'll have them. So many little Prince's and Princesses."

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