a wild night

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The doorbell rang just as I ran a hand through my hair one last time and I checked my appearance in the mirror. With a satisfied smile, I headed out of the bathroom, hearing voices from the front door. When I got to the living room, I saw Nick stood in the doorway talking to Tao and Isaac.

"Now, I don't know what you guys have planned for tonight, but make sure Charlie comes home in one piece, please?" Nick was saying with a laugh. Tao and Isaac nodded in sync but both had troublemaker smirks on their faces. I laughed and moved to stand beside Nick, resting my hand on his back.

"Don't worry, Nick. I'll be careful. You know me. I don't get too wild." He grinned down at me, wrapping an arm over my shoulders and kissing the top of my head affectionately.

"I just want to still be able to marry you next month."

"You worry too much." I told him, stretching up on tip toes to kiss him properly. I heard Tao groan behind me.

"Ugh, you guys are insufferable. Come on, Charlie. We've got a lot to get through tonight." Shaking my head, I kissed Nick one last time before turning to follow my friends down to where a cab was waiting. It was already dark but I could see Nick's silhouette outlined in the doorway when I turned to wave at him. He waved back just as I shut the cab door.

"Okay, so what have you guys planned for tonight?" I asked once we were on our way.

"First off, we're going to stop at Darcy's. Got a surprise there for you." Isaac told me, clapping me on the shoulder with a grin.

"Darcy? Oh no," Darcy was known to get wild on nights out and do the craziest things. If she was involved in tonight's plans, there was no way it was going to be the calm night I'd been hoping for. "Guys, I really don't..."

"Hey, Charlie, it's your last night to really go wild before you're tied down for the rest of your life. Just enjoy tonight and remember that Nick will be there to look after you in the morning."

"Tied down? Nick and I, our getting married isn't going to change anything for us. We're just going to be legally tied to each other."

"Oh man. You really need a night out. When was the last time you went out?" Tao asked me, leaning forward.

"Uh, Nick and I went out last weekend..."

"No, not with Nick. When did you go out without him?"

"I, um, I can't remember." I admitted after thinking for a moment.

"Exactly! You need a night out with the gang. So you've got something to remember for the rest of your life." As Tao finished talking, we pulled into Darcy's driveway and I immediately noticed the party bus pulled up on the street.

"Oh, guys..." I groaned.

"Hey, no complaints. You said we could plan anything for you." Isaac reminded me with a grin, already climbing out of the car. I had said that and was now slightly regretting giving them free reign over my bachelor party. I could only hope I'd be able to remember some of it tomorrow. Sighing in defeat, I followed him and Tao up the front path to the door.

Before we even got there, the door swung open to reveal a grinning Darcy as well as several other people from work and from college. It seemed like the party was already started with most people already holding a drink and loud music playing from the living room.

"Here he is everyone! The man of the hour!" Darcy crowed and the crowd cheered as they started pouring out into the front yard, some of them hugging me or clapping me on the shoulder on the way past. I couldn't help but get caught up in the spirit of things and hurriedly downed a drink that Tao shoved into my hands, feeling the alcohol buzz hit me pretty fast.


Two hours and who knows many drinks later, we were off the party bus and in a club somewhere that I'd never been. I was in the middle of the dance floor dancing with Tao and Isaac, a cheap crown on my head and another drink in my hand. My phone started to buzz in my pocket, bringing me to reality as I pulled it out. Nick's name was on the screen along with a photo of him pulling a stupid face. A smile spread across my face as I answered.

"Heey!" I slurred out, giggling at Tao trying to get a girl to dance with him.

"Charlie? Where are you? It's loud."

"'M in a club, Nick"

"I can hear that. Which one?"

"I don't-hey!" Isaac had come over and snatched the phone away from me, holding it to his own ear.

"Nick, Charlie is fine. We'll get him back to you by the end of the night. In the meantime, enjoy your quiet night. Goodbye." With that, Isaac hung up and slid the phone into his back pocket.

"That's mine." I protested but he just shrugged.

"I know. But you're not supposed to be thinking about Nick tonight. Tonight's about you and having fun without him, okay?"

"Fine. I need another drink."

"That's the spirit!" He cheered, guiding me towards the bar where a few of the others were downing shots. One of the guys slid one towards me and I willingly took it, downing it quickly to the sound of cheering from my friends.

"Let's party!" I yelled, much to the excitement of everyone around me.


I blinked my eyes once before squeezing them tightly closed to try and keep the light out. I let out a groan and rolled over, realizing I was not in my bed as I crashed into something hard.

"What the..." I opened my eyes slightly to try and figure out where I was and immediately recognised the pale blue tiles of the shower in my apartment. "What...?" I pushed myself into a sitting position, one hand pressed to my throbbing head.

"You're awake." Nick's voice was too loud in the small room and I groaned, putting my other hand over my eyes.

"Too loud." I mumbled, hearing him chuckle quietly to himself.

"Alright, come on baby, let's get you into bed. You had a big night." He spoke quietly now, gently helping me to my feet.

"What time is it?"

"About ten in the morning. You got home just after five. Made a beeline for the bathroom and puked everything up. You've been sleeping in there since. I didn't want to wake you, though."

"Ugh, why'd you let me go out?"

"You promised me you wouldn't get too wild. That's why I let you go." He replied with a laugh as we got to our room. I stumbled a little when he leaned over to pull back the blankets but he steadied me and helped me into bed, pulling the covers over me. "Get some rest. I'll get you some tablets and water in a bit. You've gone a bit pale again."

"I don't feel so good, Nick."

"Do you feel like you're gonna be sick again?"

"Mm-mm. Not now."

"Alright. I'll be back soon. Feel better, baby. Love you." I just moaned in reply, causing Nick to laugh as he left the room, closing the door behind him so that the room was in darkness.

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