sunshine and daisies

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A cool breeze swept by, rustling the leaves of the tree above us and sending the sweet scent of spring wafting by. Charlie let out a content sigh and shifted to be a little more comfortable where he lay against my leg. I'm almost sure he's fallen asleep, but I don't want to move to check for fear of disturbing him.

Instead, I lean back on my elbows and tilt my head back to soak up as much sun as I can. I'll probably regret it later when I have hot sunburn or something. The curse of pale skin is burning even in the weak British spring sunshine.

Birds flit from tree to tree, chirping merrily as they go, and I spy a bumblebee buzzing around the nearby daisies collecting pollen. It's such a perfect day, especially when I've got to spend the whole day with Charlie.

"Char?" I speak quietly after a while but get no answer. He's definitely asleep. Looking around, I see some daisies growing in the grass nearby, and something tells me they would look absolutely adorable in Charlie's hair.

Being careful not to move too much, I reach over and pull a handful of daisies before carefully setting each of them in among his curls. My smile gets bigger with each daisy I add; I was right. They look so cute. As if my boyfriend could be any cuter.

My phone is nearby so I take a few pictures, some just of his hair and a few where I actually manage to get a selfies of the both of us where you can just make out a few of the little white flowers nestled in the chocolate curls.

My excitement makes me forget to be careful with movements, and as I'm putting my phone back down, Charlie wakes, blinking up at me.

"Wha' you doin'?" He mumbles, voice thick with sleep.

"Nothing. You just looked so cute and relaxed sleeping like that. I wanted photos."

He sits up and rubs at his eyes, not fully believing me. The movement jostles some of the flowers, and one falls from his hair, landing on his lap. He looks at it with a frown.

"Were you putting flowers in my hair?" I feel my cheeks heat up as I nod at him.

"It looks adorable. Look." I pick up my phone again to show him the photos. He scrolled through the dozens I had somehow taken in the short time, a smile creeping onto his face as he came across what was now my favourite photo of the two of us. His head resting on my lap, face peaceful and relaxed while I was looking down at him, the camera angle capturing us as if looking from above. You can see the daisies in his hair and a lens flare of sunshine from one corner of he shot.

"You're so cringe, Nick."

"Only cause I love you." I take my phone from him and immediately set that image as my new screensaver.

"I love you too. Even if your new pass time is putting flowers in my hair." Even as he says it, he runs his hands over his head delicately to feel the flowers there.

"Don't take them out. Not yet." I say softly and he smiles at me.

"I won't. You big softie. Who would have thought that a big tough rugby lad like you would love daisies in my hair?" He has a teasing tone in his voice as he laughs and leans over to brush his lips against mine. "It just makes me love you more."

I kiss him back and then pull him to sit in my lap properly, "Well, this big tough rugby lad definitely loves his soft, dorky nerd. So I guess we're even."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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