i miss you

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~Did you catch your train? ;) <3~

The teasing message from Nick makes me roll my eyes. I settle into my seat before tapping out a reply.

~It was ONE time, Nicholas. Yes, I caught my train. I'll see you soon.~

The train is pretty empty so I was able to choose a seat with a little table, perfect to set up my iPad to watch the recorded lecture I will miss while I'm on the train to Leeds. I switch on my headphones and balance a notebook on my knee as the train pulls out of the station, heading south towards England. Towards the University of Leeds where Nick is waiting for me.

It was a tough choice to make, eight months ago when I was accepted into my dream course at the University of Edinburgh. I had originally wanted to turn it down in favour of going to Leeds with Nick but he insisted that I would regret it if I didn't go to Scotland and follow my dreams. So we had a teary goodbye at the train station back home in September, complete with whispered promises to visit as often as possible. And so far, we're making it work

The train rattles along and I tune out the other commuters, trying to focus on taking notes from the lecture. It's not the most interesting topic but it's important for future units.

"Can I sit here?

I look up to see a older woman standing nearby, pointing at the empty seat beside me.

"Sure. Sorry, I'll move some things." I hurriedly pulled my things towards me so she could sit beside me.

"Thanks. I'll let you get back to your study."

"That's okay. I'm not really focusing anyway." I shut the notebook and smiled at her.

"What are you studying?" She was looking at my iPad which had paused on an image of an old archaeological dig site.

"Oh, um I'm a history major."

"Fantastic. Are you going home for the weekend or back to uni?"

"Actually, I'm going to visit my boyfriend for a few days."

"How lovely. I remember when my son was in Uni and his girlfriend lived in London. They were constantly on the train to visit each other."

"It's tough but we're making it work. We've only been doing this for a couple of months." I agreed.

I slowly packed my things away as the train sped on and we chatted. It made the trip seem so much faster as I learned her name was Theresa and she has two children a little older than me. She asked me about my studies and about Nick. When I told her that Nick was my high school boyfriend she smiled and told me about her husband who had also been her high school sweetheart.

"It was lovely meeting you, Theresa. Enjoy your stay in London." I stood up as we pulled into Leeds Train Station.

"I will, thank you, Charlie. Have fun with Nick. I hope you two can make this long distance work."

She waved as I made my way down the carriage to the exit.

I checked the time on my phone, noticing that I was arriving a bit earlier than I'd planned. Nick will still be in classes for another 45 minutes. I don't have access to his dorm building so I have to keep myself busy until he's free. Maybe I can get us some warm drinks.

It's unseasonably warm for February but there's still a chill in the air as I wrap my coat tight around myself and drag my little suitcase behind me, heading towards the little coffee place that I know Nick loves to go to. There are a few people sitting at the tables, some chatting with each other, others studying. I order a coffee for myself and a Chai tea for Nick, balancing them in a little cardboard tray to carry them.

By the time I can see Nick's dorm building, my hands are like ice and I'm shivering violently. I probably should have got an uber or something but it's only a short walk. I spot a familiar figure approaching and Nick recognises me instantly, quickening his pace to meet me. The smile on his face falters when he gets close and I see the concern wash over him.

"Oh Charlie, you're frozen. How long have you been out here?"

"W-walked from c-coffee pl-place." I manage to stutter out. He pulls me into his arms, mindful of the drinks I'm carrying and I instantly feel a little warmer.

"Come inside. We'll get you all warmed up." Nick takes my bag from me and guides me through the front door and up to his room.

Inside he takes the now cold drinks from me and makes me sit on his bed. He pulls me into his arms, taking my hands in his and rubbing them softly to warm them up. It takes a while but eventually I stop shivering and relax into his hold.

"Thanks, Nick." I whisper. "I like having my own personal space heater." He laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm here for heating whenever you need." I bite my lip and look up at him.

"I wish we could be closer. I miss when we were at Truham and we saw each other every day."

"Me too. I love you, Nick." I twist around to kiss him softly but we jump apart when the door flies open and Nick's room-mate Jackson walks in.

"Oh, sorry. Hey, Nick, hi Charlie. I, uh, I didn't know you guys were here." He stammers, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"It's okay. You didn't walk in on anything. Charlie just got here." Nick explains and I see Jackson visibly relax.

"Hi Jackson. Nice to see you again." I give him a little wave as he come in, slumping onto his bed om the opposite side of the room. I've met him a couple of times before and he's a decent enough guy; accepting of mine and Nick's relationship and kind enough to let us have space sometimes when I visit.

"How are you Charlie?" Nick slings an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close as we fall into conversation with Jackson for a while.


Later that evening, after Nick takes me to dinner in town, we find ourselves back in his room. Jackson has gone to crash in a friend's room for the night so Nick and I take advantage of the private space.

Shedding our clothes, it's not long before we're tangled up together under the blankets. I'm trying to memorise every inch of him as we move slowly together.

"I missed you, Char." He murmurs between kisses.

"Missed you too. I love you." I pull him back down to kiss him, desperate to feel his lips against mine.

As much as I'm loving my life up in Edinburgh, I wish, more than anything, I could share it with Nick. Maybe one day I will.

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