your highness

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There's a weight against me as I wake up and it takes me a minute to realise that it's Charlie, curled into my side, one arm over my chest and a leg over mine. My own arm is curled around him, holding him tight against me and I can feel his slow and steady breathing. I press a soft kiss to his forehead and he stirs a little in his sleep, trying to cuddle closer to me.

Someone clears their throat nearby and I turn to find my valet, Sai, standing a few feet away from the bed.

"My apologies for the intrusion, sir, but it's time to get up. Breakfast is being served in your private dining room."

"It's alright, Sai. We will be out shortly." He nods and turns to hurry from the room. I can't help rolling my eyes. Sai has been my valet for about a year now and he still acts like a terrified baby deer after every interaction, especially moments like this when he has found Charlie and me in a somewhat compromising position. Not that he's ever seen anything particularly private between us but it's still a bit frustrating that he's so timid all the time.

I turn my attention back to Charlie when the door swings shut and find that he has woken up. He's looking up at me with a smile and I can't help running my fingers through his curls.


"Nothing. Just admiring my king." He's smirking now and I have to laugh.

"It's not official yet. A few more hours, and we'll be King and Queen." It's my coronation today. By the time we go to bed, I will officially be king and Charlie will be my queen. I watch as the smile suddenly fades from his face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just still strange to think that soon everyone will know me as Queen."

"Baby, if you don't like it, we can find another title for you." When we first discussed my coronation, the topic of titles had come up pretty quick. With both Charlie and I being male, he couldn't be known as king too but I didn't want him to just be known as a prince, he is so much more than that. After many conversations, we'd decided that Charlie will be my Queen, as unconventional as it may sound. I'd thought he was okay with the decision.

"No, no. It's not that. It's just that until now, I've only been known as a Queen to you. You know, in private. To everyone else, your mum is Queen. It's just strange that it will all change now."

"Oh." In a move so fast that he's left breathless, I flip us over and hover above him. I kiss him deeply, my tongue tracing his lips until he grants me entry and then both of us are battling for dominance until I pull back just enough to look at him, "You'll always be my queen before anyone else, yeah?"



It feels like hours before everything is ready to go. Nick is whisked away eventually to be dressed in the official coronation robes. In the meantime, I sit in the nursery with our son, Alexander. The toddler has no notion of the events happening today, he's just happy to spend time with me.

"Papa, papa look!" He toddles across the floor to me, a wooden toy car in his chubby, outstretched hand.

"What's that, bubba?" I smile at him, catching him when he trips over and lands in my lap.

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