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Charlie was deep into his current book, his eyes flitting across the page as he read about perfect people in perfect worlds, having perfect relationships. Not that his own relationship wasn't good. He just couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach occasionally when he read about the boyfriends in his books doing things that were just inexplicably sexy.

Right now, his heart was skipping a beat as the characters in his book had a heated conversation, ending in them against the wall, bodies pressed close together.

"Hey, Charlie, I..." Charlie slammed his book shut, dropping it to his lap when Nick suddenly appeared in the doorway of their bedroom, leaning against the frame.

"God! You scared me."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to..." Nick stepped closer but Charlie interrupted him.

"No. Wait. Do that again?"

"Do what? Scare you? Baby, I don't want to give you a heart attack. And I'm not sure it would scare you, not when you're expecting it." Nick was confused but Charlie shook his head.

"No, no. I meant lean against the door." Nick frowned but did as asked, stepping back to the doorway and leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked back up at Charlie, one eyebrow raised.

"Like this?"

Charlie's tongue darted out to wet his suddenly dry lips and his breath caught in his throat. "Fuck..."

"Have you been reading your romance books again?" Nick asked, a smirk appearing on his face as he realised.

"Maybe. Sorry, I just, I can't help it." Charlie mumbled, looking down at the bed covers. Nick laughed and moved to sit beside him.

"It's okay. I want to do anything that makes you happy."

"I know. But it's embarrassing. And you're perfect the way you are." Charlie hid his face against Nick's shoulder.

"Doesn't mean you can't have fantasies and things that make you feel good. I dream about you doing things sometimes too." Nick admitted quietly.

"Yeah? Like what?" Charlie looked up, his embarrassment somewhat overshadowed by curiosity.

"I guess a more innocent one would be kissing you in the rain. I don't know if it's from watching movies or if it's from that day after our first kiss when you chased me down the stret. But every time it rains, all I can think about is dragging you into an open space and kissing you while the rain soaks us both." Charlie turned to look out the window, feeling somehow dejected that it was beautifully sunny outside and not raining.

"Next time it rains, I'm giving you full permission to do that," He said, looking into Nick's eyes, "What else do you dream about?"

"Hm, remember last week when I got home late and you were already in bed? And I got changed right here in our room, with you watching? That alone made me feel all kinds of things, but it got me thinking about you doing it."

Now it was Charlie's turn to be confused, "Get changed in front of you? I do that all the time anyway."

"Not that specifically. More about the undressing part. And doing it, I don't know, in like a sexy way." Nick's cheeks burned red at the admission.

"Oh, like a strip tease?"

"Yeah, I guess." Charlie reached up to gently caress Nick's cheek, smiling.

"I can definitely do that for you one day." He gasped, a thought coming to him, "I have an idea. Why don't we write down a few of our fantasies and give them to each other? Then we can try them out over time."

"Um, yeah, okay. We can do that. You might have to be a bit descriptive with yours. I know how detailed your fantasies can be." Nick teased, earning himself a poke in the side.

"Yeah well you need to simplify yours. 'Uh, undressing but sexy'." Charlie mocked with a silly voice but laughed when Nick just hugged him close.


A week later, Charlie had forgotten about their conversation in the bedroom. Their lives were so busy, he barely had time to read so the book boyfriend fantasies hadn't even crossed his mind. So when he got home from a long day at work, he was shocked to find Nick waiting for him in the front hallway of their flat.

He was dressed in black slacks and a deep red long sleeve button up shirt that Charlie always thought made Nick look so sexy. Charlie's brain rushed to try and figure out what anniversary or special date he'd forgotten about as Nick pushed himself off the wall and approached him slowly, a dark look in his eye.

"Nick, I'm sorry, I-I can't remember..."

"Shh..." Nick had come close enough that Charlie had to stumble back against the wall, heart racing as Nick leaned on one forearm, his other hand coming up to grip Charlie's chin.


"Don't speak." The kiss that followed was deep and sinful, making Charlie go weak at the knees. Nick's hand carefully slid down to rest in a light grip around Charlie's neck, as he forced his tongue further into Charlie's mouth.

When they finally broke apart, Charlie was breathless and at a loss for words, just staring up at his incredibly sexy boyfriend. Nick had a cocky smirk pulling up the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

"Liked that, did you? Well, there's more where that came from." Suddenly both of Nick's hands were gripping Charlie by the waist, pulling him so impossibly close that Charlie was sure he could feel Nick's heartbeat.

"Oh God, I..." Charlie shook his head, trying to clear his racing thoughts. Instantly, Nick's demeanour softened and he took a step back, giving them both some space to breathe.

"Are you okay?" His hands came up to rest against Charlie's cheeks.

"Yeah. So okay, just needed to catch my breath. Keep going, please." Charlie begged, pushing himself into Nick again, pawing at his chest. Nick didn't look convinced, though. "Um, okay, if you don't want to anymore..."

Charlie pulled back again and started to move away, feelings of rejection bubbling up in his chest. But Nick was fast, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling Charlie into him again.

"Not so fast..." His hand was back on Charlie's chin, holding his head firmly in place as another sinful kiss was placed on his lips. Those feelings of rejection were gone, replaced by an intense feeling of desire.

"Oh, fuck..."

"Such strong language. I think someone needs to be reminded of his manners..." Nick whispered, dragging him towards their bedroom.

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