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I've spent the last 36 hours travelling, making my way home to be reunited with my family. I haven't seen them in nearly a year now and my heart is aching at the thought that in only a few hours, I will be able to hug them and I don't plan on letting them go any time soon.

Getting out of the airport is easy enough, and I flag down a taxi and practically fall into the backseat.

"Where to, sir?" The driver asks. I give him my home address, knowing that there won't be anybody home yet. I just need to drop off my bags so that my arms will be free to hold my husband and daughter.

The trip is short, and the taxi driver agrees to wait while I put my bags inside so he can drive me to my next stop.

My heart rate rises as the tall building my husband works in comes into view, and I suddenly feel more nervous than I've ever felt while I was away. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. When my leave approval came through, I was so excited. My first thought was to call Charlie and tell him. But one of my mates suggested keeping it a surprise and the idea sounded so good. So, the two of us made a plan to keep my homecoming a secret from Charlie and our fourteen year old daughter, Emerson.

The driver drops me in front of the office building, and I hand over enough cash to pay for the ride and then make my way inside. I get a few people looking my way, noticing that I'm still in uniform. The receptionist looks up with a smile when I approach.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes, um, I'm looking for my husband, Charlie Nelson."

"Oh. You're Charlie's husband." Recognition flashes across her face, and her smile gets bigger. "Welcome home. Does he know you're here?"

"Not yet."

She gasps, "So this is like one of those reunion videos on the internet?"

"Well, kind of. I don't have anyone filming. But I am surprising him and our daughter."

"Oh my gosh. That's so sweet. Well, Charlie should be in his office right now. If you like, I can help film the reunion?" Her eagerness to help is lovely, but I don't really want this filmed to be put on the internet. This moment needs to just be me and Charlie. 

I shake my head, "No, thanks. Um, his office is on the tenth floor, right?"

"Yes. I'll contact his assistant to clear his schedule for the afternoon so he can go home with you."

"Oh. That would be wonderful. Thank you." I give her a grateful smile, and she nods, already reaching for the phone so I make my way to the lifts, ignoring the people looking at me.

The ride up to the tenth floor is quick, and I soon find myself walking down a long hallway, directed by a friendly office intern, towards Charlie's office. I stop outside the door to collect myself.

It's slightly ajar, and I can just see the top of his head, bent over his desk as he focused on whatever he was working on. I'm just about to knock when his phone rings and he answers it, seeming a little annoyed to be interrupted.

"Charlie Nelson speaking...yes...yes, okay...I'll be there...okay, thanks." It's a quick conversation, over before I can really register it, and he stands up, reaching to collect a few things off his desk. 

I realise it's now or never. I knock softly, the door swinging open a little further with the action. Charlie doesn't look up.

"Come in." I push the door open and move into the room.

"Hi." Charlie freezes and drops the things in his hands, looking up at me. I see a range of emotions rush across his face, tears of joy building up as he recognizes me. 

Nick and Charlie One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now