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Snow is falling outside, covering everything in a glittering layer of white. It's below freezing out there but here, inside our little flat, it's cosy and warm. I had set a fire going in the fireplace a while ago and it's now crackling away nicely.

In one corner of the room is the Christmas tree, covered in sparkling lights and colourful decorations. Charlie has spent the afternoon wrapping presents for our family and friends so there's a nice little pile under the tree. Most of them will come with us to our parents places tomorrow but we aren't catching up with the Paris Squad until a few days after Christmas so their gifts will stay here.

While Charlie is in the kitchen, warming up mince pies and making hot chocolates, I'm in the living room, laying a huge rug over the floor in front of the fireplace and scattering cushions over it. I've lit a couple of candles, too, and turned off the harsh main lights so the room is doused in a flickering, warm light.

We've decided that we will each get to open a gift from each other tonight, a new little tradition to start now that we're finally living together and building a life together. So, I carefully take my gift for him from under the tree and set it on the rug before going into the kitchen to help Charlie bring in the snacks.

"How's it going in here?" I ask, moving behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, my chin resting on his shoulder.

"Hi," He smiles and turns around in my arms, pecking my lips softly, "Almost done. Did you finish in the living room?"

"Yeah. All nice and cosy." I close the distance between us again, kissing him deeply. It's only when the oven timer goes off that we break apart.

Charlie pulls away from me and goes to the oven to take out the mince pies, setting them on the pretty Christmas plate his sister gave him last year. I take the two cream covered hot chocolates he's made and we go into the living room.

"Oh, wow. You made it look so nice, Nick."

We settle onto the rug and I take a sip of the hot chocolate, making Charlie laugh when I end up with a cream moustache.

I lean back against the sofa and Charlie lays with his head in my lap, watching the flames in the fireplace dance. My hand goes to his hair and I run my fingers through it gently, taking care not to snag the curls.

"I could honestly stay like this forever." He mumbles after a while and I nod in agreement.

"Me too. This is perfect for our first real Christmas together in our own place."

We let silence fall again for a while, faint Christmas music coming from the TV to make the whole thing feel like a scene from a Christmas card.

"Can we open presents now?" Charlie sits up and grins at me.

"If you want." I go to get the gift I set aside for him but he's faster, pushing a small wrapped box into my hands.

"Merry Christmas, Nick."

"Thank you." I whisper back, kissing him softly. He sits back on his heels and watches as I rip open the paper.

Inside is a long wooden box with a hinge on one side. My name is carved across the top and when I open it, I let out a gasp. It's a beautiful silver and gold fountain pen. The inside of the lid has another engraving on it: To Nick, all my love, Charlie xxx.

"Oh, Charlie, it's beautiful."

"I thought you could use it at work. And it can remind you of when we first met."

"I'll use it every day. I promise to be more careful than I was with that old one, though." I lean over to kiss him again, one hand sliding around to the back of his head to keep him close. "Now for your present." I whisper when we break apart.

A smile spreads across his face and he sits back again, waiting.

I reach for the small box I'd set aside and then sit on my knees in front of Charlie, holding it out to him. He looks up at me with curious eyes but takes it, unwrapping it carefully and opening the box with a gasp.

"Nick, is this what I think it is?"

"I love you, Charlie. So, so much. And I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I want to come home to you every day, and have Christmases like this every year. I want to have a family with you and be able to call you my husband. So, Charlie Spring, will you marry me?"

His smile gets even bigger and then he looks up at me again.

"Of course I will. Yes, Nick. A thousand times, yes." Setting the ring box on the floor, he throws himself at me, sending both of us toppling to the ground in fits of giggles.

"Charlie!" I laugh and hold him tight against me.

"I love you, Nick. This is the best Christmas Eve ever."

"I love you too." I kiss him deeply and, honestly, it's the best kiss we've ever shared. We're freshly engaged, celebrating our first Christmas in our own flat, bathed in the light of the warm, glowing fire. It's the perfect way to start the rest of our lives together.

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