Realisation for one

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The next day Bucky seems to be back to staring at Steve and it's riling him up. Instead of warming up with Nat, Steve had decided to get back to the punching bag. He wrapped his hands up, covering the red blisters and carried on.

Nat knew there was something wrong instantly, but she wouldn't confront him in front of everyone so she warmed up with Sam instead and kept an eye on the blond.

As Steve was hitting the giant bag however, someone kept bumping into it and making it spin. He kept having to out his hands out to stop It before carrying on and it was getting annoying. All he wanted was to train, but he couldn't with someone being inconsiderate.

"Can you get away from my bag please?" He demanded, walking around to see one of the guys that laughed at him yesterday.

The man puffed his chest out and looked into Steve's eyes with a smirk.

"Yea, or what? You gonna trip over whilst running away again like a little bitch?!"

Steve stepped forward and shoved the man hard.

"One of your little half-brains tripped me", he hissed. "You're lucky I don't put you in your place right here!"

Suddenly, Bucky appeared and got between them, pushing the man away and holding his hand out so Steve wouldn't get any closer.

"Just leave it", he said to them both.

But Steve turned on him.

"Leave it? Why don't you get out my face and take these jackasses with you!"

"Hey, I'm just trying to help!" Bucky faced him, no longer trying to push the other guy away. "You don't get your way all the time you know?"

Steve scoffed at him.

"Seriously?! All I'm trying to do is workout and you lot won't stop bothering me! Fuck off!"

Bucky was angry now. He wouldn't be the one to back down so he shoved Steve as his friends around him cheered him on.

"You always seem to be in my business Barnes, why don't you mind your own!" He whispered so only he could hear as he grabbed his shirt.

Bucky grabbed the hand on his chest and used the other to aggressively wrap in Steve's shirt to try and get him to fall back.

"What's going on?!" Hill pushed past the now small crowd to see the men.

They let go of each other but were both breathing heavy still.

"You aren't meant to be fighting off the mat. Do you want to sort this out there?" She questioned.

"Didn't work out well for you last time, did it Barnes?" Steve whispered.

Bucky shoved him hard as he walked past towards the mat and silently challenged him. Nat and Sam watched from the other side, slightly worried and confused on what was happening. They both knew it wouldn't end well.

"One round, and then we drop whatever this is", Hill demanded.

The boys stalked onto the mat and Steve unravelled the bandages over his hands so they were both starting on equal grounds.
Most of the room had noticed the argument and were now waiting to watch the fight. This wasn't like the usual ones that had been going on all day. This wasn't to improve a score, this was to sort a problem. And those were usually good. They rarely got to see them.

They stared at each other and waited for Marias go ahead to start. Neither of them were going to back down this time. After yesterday, Steve was at the end of his tether with this man, and now would be a good time to sort it.

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