Awkwardness and survailence

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Steve busied himself packing things into bags and checking off all sorts of equipment for the upcoming mission. He could hear Bucky sorting boxes on the other side of the room and clenched his jaw. It had been a couple of days since the incident, and just as Maria had promised, both men had the most boring job possible. They were to sit in the surveillance room until the mission was over. Even if that took a week.

Steve wouldn't have minded sitting in front of a computer for a week straight, no matter how boring it might be. Only if he was doing it alone. Now he had to be in close quarters with Bucky  Barnes, no doubt arguing the entire time. It would be a long mission.

"Leaving in ten minutes!" Someone shouted through the hallways.

Why couldn't he have been on artillery or something? He could be picking through the large selection of guns and cool equipment instead of tiny screens and wires.

Whilst mid thought, Bucky walked over and silently slammed a clipboard in front of Steve before picking up a large bag and walking up to the jet.
He huffed down at it and packed the rest of his bag before heading up himself.

The ride was awkward to say the least. Everyone in their class was there, but because they had been paired together as the lookouts, they had to sit together. Neither of them liked it one bit.

Steve tried distracting himself by looking around the jet he was in. All the trainees were no doubt shaking out of their seats in nervousness, but Steve had been so excited to fly in one of these since he started the program.

But it didn't feel like anything. The inside was black and sleek, with a surprising amount of different side rooms around the main seating area. But it was just like being in any old room. There were no windows to see the view where they were sat, and he couldn't feel any movement under his feet. But still, it was exciting.

Some time later, Agent Hill and Agent Coulson stood by the exit of the jet as the large ramp opened. Apparently they had landed at some point.

"This is your first mission! It is one of two training mission you'll go through in the program, meaning it has a much lower threat than a regular mission. But that should not mean you treat it as training. You will go through it as if it is a real mission! Please stay in your seats and we will come around to instruct you".

Steve waited like he was told and listened to the murmurs around the room. People began shuffling around, getting equipment and walking to their places. He looked up to see Bucky glaring at him. He rolled his eyes and looked away until Hill came to them.

"You boys", she sighed, "Will be in the room three roads over, here is the address, you'll have to find it and set up".

She went to walk away but turned back at the last minute with what can only be described as a disappointed mother face.

"I was really looking forward to seeing what you both could do here. Especially you Steve", and she left.

Now Bucky rolled his eyes and stood up to collect his bag. As Steve was getting his, Bucky swung his onto his shoulders and purposely hit Steve before walking out.

The man took a breath and didn't react. They'd already gotten themselves into too much trouble for Steve's liking so he was going to try his hardest to get through this trip without any speed bumps. But apparently, that was easier said than done.

He walked out the jet and past the small groups of people coordinating themselves and followed the grumpy man already at the end of the road. He stayed that way, walking behind him the entire way. And when they finally found the place, it was barely bigger than a supply closet. A single table and two chairs sat by a sheer covered window with the smallest of spaces behind them.

"Great", Bucky sighed and started setting up the screens.

They didn't talk as they plugged everything in and contacted the rest of the group, they didn't talk as they sat at the table watching the screens, and they didn't talk  as the sky started to darken. The other groups checked in occasionally, asking the location of others or needing to know if a specific area or building was empty.

Bucky didn't want to say anything or interact with Steve at all since the fight. He wasn't panicking about it anymore, but he was confused and would rather keep himself as far away as possible. But it was really strange. The angered tension in the air was stifling so he kept trying to remind himself it could be worse. He could be with Rumlow, who would go on and on about his outdated opinions on women or politics, making Bucky want to rip his eyes out. Or he could be part of the backup squad, who had to wait just like him and Steve, except they would be outside in the cold. Although, they would eventually get to storm somewhere with guns.... No, it could be worse. He could be with Rumlow.

It had been hours since they got there, and both men were getting uncomfortable in the chairs. Occasionally they would get out and walk the three steps across the room for some exercise and stretch their muscles. But they still hadn't said a word to each other.

It was nearing midnight when Steve looked down for the hundredth time at his watch.

"You can sleep first while I watch", he said flatly.

Bucky paused for a moment. He didn't expect Steve to do let him sleep first and, honestly, he was shocked at Steve's voice in the quiet room. He would have argued back, but he didn't get much sleep last night and he desperately wanted a nap. He'd been too nervous about today. Not just because of Steve, but about flying. It scared him a little, but it turned out to be fine.

"Okay, thanks. Wake me in four hours".

There wasn't a bed or even a mat to sleep on, let alone a blanket or pillow, so he lay on the floor behind Steve's chair and leant his head on his arm. It took a bit of time to fall asleep in the awkward silence, but the exhaustion quickly overcame him and he was fast asleep.

Steve sat at the table in the quiet. The sky outside had completely darkened and the voices over the radio had stopped a while back. There would likely be nothing until early morning unless someone decided to go ahead with the raid.

He was pretty sure Bucky was asleep by now so he let himself stretch around to look. He couldn't move the chair without bumping into him, and although he would deserve it, Steve couldn't bring himself to do it.
He looked down and saw Bucky's face resting on his arm, his mouth slightly open and completely unmoving in his deep sleep. He didn't move the entire time he was asleep which Steve thought was odd. Either he didn't move when he slept, or he was exhausted for some reason.

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