*Bucky's first time

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They were glad for the lie in the next morning. Both of them had probably slept for fifteen hours before getting up and having long overdue showers. They came together for lunch and ate between lazy kisses and smiles.

Eventually though, they decided to take a break from the small bedrooms and go out into the common room where a few others were watching tv and playing games.

Bucky went over to Sam and sat with him. He didn't hang out with Brock at all anymore and he only spoke to a couple of the other men who also didn't seem to like Brock as much after the incident in the staircase.

"Where've you been?" Asked Sam.

With a shrug, Bucky replied, "nowhere". But Sam could see the smile hidden on his face and laughed.

"I don't know why you're still denying it. Especially to me and Nat, but I'm pretty sure a couple of the others have suspicions".

Bucky didn't know how he felt about everyone knowing, but when he broke it down he realised it wasn't about anyone knowing he was gay, or bisexual is what they probably figured. But it was about them getting in trouble with shield as they were both training.

It was probably a good thing he was more worried about jobs than what other people thought about him.

"Um, Sam?" He asked tentatively. "Do you know what rules there are for, um, trainees and actual agents?"

Sam gave him a teasing smile but took pity.

"Yea, there's no specific rule against it, it's just not recommended".

Bucky felt relief that this place wouldn't get in the way for them and he looked over to Steve.
He was in the middle of a game of chess with another man and had a few others watching and talking about who would win.

Bucky watched with a small smile on his face as everyone quietly cheered whenever Steve made a good move. The blonde looked like he couldn't help the small smiled making their way onto his face as he was winning.

"Urggg, you win!" His opponent shouted before everyone cheered and jostled Steve around.

He smiled and flicked his eyes up to Bucky. They lingered for a second and the loud room suddenly seemed to quieten. Steve gave him a little wink and Bucky felt his stomach flutter.

After a while of Steve playing chess and secretly staring at Bucky from the other side of the room, Bucky looked over at him with dark eyes and walked out the room, making eye contact with Steve the entire way.

And Steve watched until Bucky was out of sight before making an excuse and leaving the room. He saw Bucky ahead and silently followed him to his room and closed the door behind them.

He stood in front of the man when they leant towards each other and finally brushed their lips together. Their kisses were slow and light and left them both wanting more when Bucky pulled away and began climbing onto the bed.

"What about now Stevie?" He husked as he got onto all fours and pushed out his butt. "Will you fuck me now?"

Steve honestly thought he was going to faint when the blood fell from his brain and went straight to his dick.

With his mouth hanging open, he stumbled over to the bed and knelt behind Bucky. Both still fully clothed but it didn't matter right now. He brushed his hands on either side of Bucky's hips and the man keened into him, aching for more touch.

Steve sat up on his knees and gently rubbed himself onto Bucky over their clothes before kissing up his back.

"Are you sure?" He asked when he reached his ear.

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