Coming to my Senses

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Kaitlin's pov:

Hearing her voice made everything real again. I almost forgot how important this was to me. I can't believe I let this boy distract me from everything that has ever made any since in my life. I had to get my head back in the game.

My career is just now starting, I have no time for relationships. I have to keep reminding myself that.

After coming to that realization, I realize that they're all waiting on me. I'm still standing here.

I must look like and idiot, I try to walk out with confidence. I know everyone is staring at me because I've been standing in the door way for a good five minutes.

They ask us to introduce ourselves and I was to embarrassed to speak. Evan must of realized that though because before I could even build backup confidence enough to say my name he was already there.

Speaking as clearly as ever, like It was so easy for him.
"Hi, I'm Evan Peters." he said w that smirk on his face that was almost nostalgic by now. It was hard to keep focus when he was so effortlessly by far the sexiest human being I've ever laid eyes on.

"What about you?" she said with a look of confusion. Most likely because instead of introducing myself I was staring at Evan.

"Oh, uhm.. I'm Kaitlin." I said. I could feel my face getting red. This is terrible, I suck.

Even though I was embarrassed, I didn't let that stop me from making that the best damn performance of my life. I wanted to show them who I was, since I wasn't the best at telling them.

After the scene everyone was staring again.. This time in awe at our performance.

"I could feel the tension between you to, and I mean that in the best way possible" That was the first words I've heard the director say and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I've heard he usually doesn't speak, so that was the biggest pat in the back I could've gotten .

"You all can leave, you should get a call in the next few days.. Good luck" she said winking in me and Evans direction.

sorry it's been awhile. I'll be honest, kinda forgot about this. Bare w me guys, literally forgot the direction I was going w this but I promise it's still going to be just as great. stay tuned.

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