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Thalassophobia: Fear of the Ocean

Thalassophobia: Fear of the Ocean

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Aurelia hated the ocean.

From the surface waves, to the smell of seaweed, to the dolphins that swam in the deep, Aurelia truly hated the ocean. She hated dolphins too, but she hated the ocean even more.

The ocean was unfamiliar terrain. It's deep, dark and cold, you can't see and have no idea what lurks below the surface. Aurelia knew how to swim but against the huge waves her current mediocre skills would be easily overpowered and she would be submerged.

Especially with the very disappointing Roman navy at their disposal. When Percy said that all they needed was a boat, Aurelia didn't react. She wasn't going to object to him, not after she asked him. Besides, he is a son of Neptune. He will be able to control the water, and hopefully that will be enough to keep them from drowning. Hopefully.

Reyna had made a brief speech wishing them luck. Octavian had ripped open a Beanie Baby and pronounced grave omens and hard times ahead, but predicted the camp would be saved by an unexpected hero (whose initials were probably Octavian). The other campers went off to their afternoons—gladiator fighting, Latin lessons, paintball with ghosts, eagle training and dozen other activities that sounded better than the suicide quest Aurelia was about to adventure on.

They went back to the barracks to pack, and Aurelia packed beside Hazel. She had a single pack, which she filled with an extra change of clothes, and a white bomber jacket she would need when they went to Alaska. She packed some nectar, ambrosia, snacks, some mortal money, and camping supplies. Reyna had given her a scroll of introduction from the praetor and senate which would give any retired legionnaires they met incentive to help them.

Aurelia put on a white long sleeve shirt underneath her dress to keep her arms warm. She placed a mirror in one pocket of her dress and a white beanie in her other one.

One of the other Fifth Cohort members, Bobby, gave them a ride to the border of the valley on Hannibal the elephant. From the hilltops, Aurelia could see everything. The Little Tiber snaked across the golden pastures where the unicorns were grazing. The temples and forums of New Rome gleamed in the sunlight. On the Field of Mars, engineers were hard at work pulling down the remains of last night's fort and setting up barricades for a game of deathball A normal day for Camp Jupiter.

This was Aurelia's home. It was a safe haven where she had eventually planned to build her life. Back in San Juan, in Puerto Rico, Aurelia could never imagine her future any farther than a few days. Camp Jupiter was her home, the place she wanted to protect. Aurelia had lost so many homes already, and she wouldn't be able to lose another—especially not one that meant so much to her.

They got off the elephant. Bobby wished them a safe journey. Hannibal wrapped the four questers with his trunk. Then the elephant taxi service headed back into the valley.

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