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Allegrophobia: Fear of Being Too Late

Allegrophobia: Fear of Being Too Late

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Aurelia hated her father.

There was no doubt about it.

But during the four hour ride back to California, Aurelia found herself praying to Pavor for almost the entirety of it.

And there were many gods she could pray to. She could have prayed to her patron, to Venus (although she wasn't completely sure what the goddess of love could offer her). She could have prayed to Mars Ultor or the goddess Bellona for strength in battle—but she didn't.

No, she prayed to Pavor, because her father was the god of her biggest problem.

When it came to physical strength, Aurelia had come a long way from the little, malnourished girl from Puerto Rico. Mentally, too. She endured everything with a level head, no matter how much she wanted to break down.

But emotionally ... Aurelia was a mess. Too much was running through her mind, and the four hours that it took to get back to the Bay Area was a lot of time to let those thoughts stew.

On one hand, there was the army, which was undoubtedly at Camp Jupiter already. They may have just released Death and recovered the legion's golden eagle, but there was a chance it was too late.

On the other hand, even if they manage to survive that, there was that matter of Gaea, the Doors of Death and the incoming Greek warship.

Gaea, who could destroy the world. The Doors of Death, which will continue to flood the earth with the worst monsters known to mankind. A Greek warship, filled with possible allies and ... maybe Jason.

But Aurelia was terrified that they were too late. Too late to save Camp Jupiter. Too late to save Reyna. Too late to save Hylla. Too late to save Jason.

No, don't think like that, Aurelia chastised herself. They are alive. They have to be. There's still time. There has to be.

Aurelia stared up at the passing sky, which blurred above from the speed of Arion. She closed her eyes again. Pavor, if you can hear me, give me the strength to overcome my fears. Give me the strength to save my family and my home. Give me the strength ... to be the golden light at the end of tunnel, just like you and Martina had always intended. Give me the strength to be the golden girl you believe I am. Please, Pavor, give me strength.

The coastline began to look familiar. They raced past the Mendocino lighthouse, Shortly afterward, Mount Tam and the Marin headlands loomed out of the fog. Arion shot straight under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay. They tore through Berkeley and into the Oakland Hills, When they reached the hilltop above the Caldecott Tunnel, Arion shuddered like a broken car and came to a stop, his chest heaving.

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