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Botanophobia: Fear of Plants

Botanophobia: Fear of Plants

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Aurelia hated keeping people's secrets.

Because when Hazel didn't wake up the first time Frank tried to wake her, he gave her an accusing look, demanding what was happening. Aurelia had chosen not to answer, merely telling Percy to find some land.

Percy agreed, thinking that maybe if she was off the water, the seasickness would be better. The entire time, Aurelia tried to calm Frank's panic and placate Percy's worry.

Did Aurelia know exactly what happened with Hazel? Well, she knew they were blackouts. Hazel had the misfortune of blacking out once when the two of them had been in the barracks. But Hazel didn't elaborate much on what caused the blackout, and Aurelia was respectful enough not to pressure her into telling.

"Hazel!" Frank was shaking the girl's arms, panicked. "Come on, please!"

Aurelia sat on the ground, her legs crossed as she watched, patiently waiting. They were on a cliff overlooking a beach. About a hundred feet away, the ocean glinted in the moonlight. The surf washed gently against the stern of their beached boat. To the right, hugging the edge of the cliff was a lighthouse. Behind them, fields of tall grass rustled in the wind. The night sky was blazed with stars.

After a few minutes of Frank trying to wake her, her eyes opened.

"Where are we?" she asked.

Frank exhaled and Aurelia felt his relief. "Thank the gods you're awake. We're in Mendocino, about a hundred and fifty miles north of the Golden Gate."

"A hundred and fifty miles?" Hazel groaned. "I've been out that long?"

Percy knelt beside her, the sea wind sweeping his hair. He put his hand on her forehead as if checking for a fever. "El told us you were asleep at first. But then we couldn't wake you. Finally we decided to bring you ashore. If it's the seasickness—"

"It wasn't seasickness," Hazel murmured, taking a deep breath.

Aurelia felt Hazel's guilt "Hazel, you do not have to—"

"It's okay, Ari," Hazel assured her friend, before looking at the boys. "I haven't been honest with you guys. What happened was a blackout. I have them once in a while."

"A blackout?" Frank took Hazel's hand, and Aurelia felt a sense of pleasure go through Hazel. "Is it medical? Why haven't I noticed before?"

"I try to hide it," Hazel admitted. "I've been lucky so far, but it's getting worse. It's not medical ... not really. Nico says it's a side effect from my past, from where he found me."

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