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Chronophobia: Fear of the Future

Aurelia had a love/hate relationship with makeup

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Aurelia had a love/hate relationship with makeup.

She was great at it. Eye makeup especially. CC's Spa and Resort ensured that all employees knew how to do all the makeup on themselves and clients. But makeup represented that part of her life with Circe. Her life being a glorified doll—a little witch in disguise.

On the other hand, after spending over twenty fours hours without any sleep, makeup was good for hiding the bags under your eyes. And if there was a day that Aurelia was going to need to look put together, it was today.

Aurelia had gone to breakfast early with Frank, Hazel and Percy before heading into the city before the impending senate meeting. Her makeup was subtle and natural enough that none of her friends noticed her sleep deprivation. Her countenance was back to its usually impartial, blank look as she snapped on bubblegum she'd stolen from Jason's room.

On their way through the city, they passed the stables where Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary were sleeping. Tyson snored on a bed of hay next to the unicorns, his emotions peaceful. Mrs. O'leary had rolled on her back and covered her ears with her paws. On the stables roof, Ella roosted in a pile of old Roman scrolls, her head tucked in her wings—although she did look up momentarily to wave at Aurelia and Hazel.

When they got to the forum, they sat by the fountains and watched the sun come up. The citizens were already busy sweeping up the cupcake simulations, confetti, and party hats from last night's celebration. The engineer corps was working on a new arch that would commemorate the victory over Polybotes.

Hazel even mentioned how she heard talk of a formal triumph for the four of them—a parade around the city followed by a week of games and celebrations—but Aurelia knew they would never get a chance. They may have been able to celebrate last night, but time was still against them.

Percy told his friends about his dreams and interaction with Juno.

Hazel frowned. "The gods were busy last night. Show him, Frank."

Frank reached into his coat pocket, producing a thin paperback book and a note on red stationary.

"These were on my pillow this morning." He passed it to Percy, who held it so Aurelia could see as well. "Like the Tooth Fairy visited."

The book was The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Aurelia hadn't read the book, but she recognized the author—a Chinese philosopher, well known for his belief in evil human nature in need of a moral compass and reform. The letter attached to the book read: Good job, kid. A real man's weapon is his mind. This was your mom's favorite book. Give it a read. P.S.—I hope your friend Percy has learned some respect for me.

"Wow." Percy handed the book back to Frank. "Maybe Mars is different than Ares. I don't think Ares can read."

Aurelia gave Percy a blank stare, blowing a small bubble and snapping it again. "Your crude language and attitude towards your Greek gods makes it hard for me to believe that they have not tried to smite you."

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