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Ataxophobia: Fear of Disorder

Aurelia was trying really hard not to laugh

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Aurelia was trying really hard not to laugh.

It wasn't working.

After her shift had ended the night before, she had spent the rest of her night in her room staring at the blank wall, before getting up the next morning to find out that Percy and Annabeth were "missing" (note the sarcasm on the word missing).

Because now Aurelia leaned on the door frame of the stable entrance, extremely amused as she watched Frank freak out next to her, for they had found the missing daughter of Athena and son of Poseidon, lying asleep on the bay door floor.

"Wakey, wakey," she sang, her chest shaking in silent laughter as Frank continued to freak out.

Finding the two of them was easy. Even when people were asleep, their emotions still ran and she could sense their auras just from walking around the ship.

"Oh, you are in so much trouble," Frank said, pacing slightly in fear.

Aurelia has seen Frank surrounded by cannibal ogres, facing an unkillable giant, and even unleashing Thanatos, the god of death. But she'd never seen Frank as terrified as he was now, finding the couple passed out in the stables.

"What ...?" Percy rubbed his eyes, taking in the two. "Oh, we just fell asleep."

Aurelia could see he was telling the truth but she just nodded her head like he was lying. "Sure, Percy. You guys just 'fell asleep.'"

"Everyone thinks you've been kidnapped," Frank said, taking this much more seriously than she was. "We've been scouring the ship. When Coach Hedge finds out—oh, gods, you've been in here all night?" Aurelia was still shaking with laughter.

"Frank!" Annabeth was incredibly embarrassed. Her ears were as red as strawberries. "We just came down here to talk. We fell asleep. Accidentally. That's it."

"Kissed a couple of times," Percy added.

Annabeth glared at him. "Not helping!"

"We'd better ..." Frank pointed to the stable doors. "Uh, we're supposed to meet for breakfast. Would you explain what you did—I mean didn't do? I mean ... I really don't want that faun—I mean satyr—to kill me."

Frank ran. Not before a shadow appeared on Aurelia's skin for his fear.

Aurelia's tongue poked the inside of her cheek as she tried really hard to not smile as she continued shaking with laughter at her friend's disheveled state and Annabeth's embarrassed emotions.

"This has made my day," she murmured before turning to go back upstairs as well.

"We found them," she announced, sliding into her seat between Hazel and Leo. Frank was in there as well, shaking his head at the table.

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