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Acrophobia: Fear of Falling

Acrophobia: Fear of Falling

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Aurelia was out of breath.

She hated running—absolutely detested it. And it didn't help that she had to run on thirty minutes of sleep, and half a cup of overly sugary coffee. But as she ran to the ship besides Piper, Annabeth and Hazel, she was slowly gasping for air by the time they got intercepted.

Halfway across the dock, five giant eagles descended in front of them. Each deposited a Roman commando in purple and denim with glittering gold, armor, sword and shield. The eagles flew away, and the Roman in the middle, who was scrawnier than the others, raised his visor.

"Surrender to Rome!" Octavian shrieked.

Aurelia and Hazel both drew their swords. "Like hell, Octavian."

Aurelia glanced at Piper and Annabeth—who were only armed with daggers respectively. Octavian by himself would have been no threat, but the four beside him were fully seasoned warriors.

Piper raised her hands in a placating gesture. "Octavian, what happened at camp was a setup. We can explain."

"Can't hear you!" Octavian yelled. "Wax in our ears—standard procedure when battling evil sirens. Now, throw your weapons and turn around slowly so I can bind your hands."

"Let me skewer him," Hazel muttered. "Please."

The ship was only fifty feet away, but neither Coach Hedge or Percy were on deck. Jason's group wasn't due back until sunset. Eagles still circled overhead, calling for their brethren to come join them. The flying chariot was nowhere in sight, but it couldn't have been too far. They were cornered. And there was no way to get on board, unless they got through the Romans.

"No," Aurelia muttered. "I will deal with them, you all get on deck."

Hazel pouted. "Not even one stab?"

Aurelia took a deep breath. She was exhausted from running and a lack of sleep. She had close to no energy for anything right now, let alone using her powers, but she held tightly onto Ferrum Temoris and black shadows bled out of the black jewel. Her veins darkened, her eyes going pitch black and the five Roman soldiers in front of her all flinched a little. Their fear fed her powers.

Octavian, a mixture of rage and fear, glowered at her. "Go ahead, attack us! It just makes you look even more guilty. I can't wait to take you back to Camp Jupiter and try you as a traitor, you little bitch."

Aurelia charged. The first guard went for her but her shadows darted into him, bringing him to his knees before he even had a chance. She disarmed him quickly, leaving him on his knees. Another tried to attack her, but she sidestepped, sending them to the ground before she turned to the last three Romans. Octavian had crouched down behind his guards, no longer angry. Just terrified.

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