S2-19✩ Peaceful Days in Summer No More

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Days went by quickly and now it's already summer in Den City, although aside from the hot temperature and the absence of sakura petals, nothing looked different there. It was still a busy city, overflowing with life as far as eyes could see. Den City Train Station was no exception, especially when one of its trains had just arrived with passengers from outside the city. One of the disembarked passengers was unlike the others; he was a tall boy with gray slicked-back hair and vermilion highlights that adorned the lower part of his haircut. His bright light purple eyes thoroughly scanned the area from behind his green-rimmed glasses as he deftly navigated his way through the sea of humans towards the exit. When he finally stepped his foot outside the station, he stretched out his arms and took a deep breath.

"Phew! Finally, back in Den City. It's been ten years..." he commented, staring at the tall towers and the crowded streets that spread across his eyesight.

From the old model duel disk that he wore around his left wrist, a mature male voice replied, "So this is your hometown. It looks really different from the village, exactly like what I expected from a big city."

"Of course it does. Now, where's my apartment again..." He nonchalantly took out his phone to check the map. "...okay, got it right here. It's just a fifteen minute walk from here."

"Why don't you call for an automatic taxi? Look, there's some lining right over there."

"You don't think I'm that lazy, do you?" He sighed, "We're walking there. Might as well get to know the area."

"Well you're the one who does the walking, so I got no complaints. But you plan to see your new school next, right? I just don't want you to get tired, that's all."

"...whoa, you're so considerate today, Flame. Are you okay? Did the heat get to your AI brain?"

"I'm trying to be nice to you for once and this is how you treat me? I didn't know you can be so cruel, Takeru. And nothing is wrong with my processor."

The boy, whose full name was Homura Takeru, fixed the position of his glasses while giving the owner of that mature voice and also his partner Ignis, Flame, a small playful grin. "Alright then... let's get going!!" he cried out, startling the people around him. When he realized what he had just done, the boy repeatedly bowed in panic, apologized for the ruckus while also hiding his reddened face, and after that, scurried off before Flame could tease him.

As Takeru hastily left that place, a certain silver-haired girl who was also there and startled by his outburst couldn't help but stop her bike and stare. She tilted her head to the side, puzzled, before finally deciding to shrug it off and continue riding her bike in the opposite direction towards the Den City plaza--specifically, Café Nagi. As soon as she arrived there, she could see Yusaku, busy frying sausages by himself inside Café Nagi food truck. Despite seeing his deep frown, she happily called him out, "Yusaku!"

Yusaku's head perked upon hearing her call and looked up to see her stopping her bike right in front of him. His frown instantly disappeared as he looked at her in puzzlement. "Mirai? You came?"

Mirai whipped her head, greeting Yusaku with a smile. After she parked next to the truck, she took two wrapped bento boxes from her bike basket and put them on one of the vacant tables. She turned to him, her smile never leaving her lips. "I brought lunch. Let's eat them together!"

"You..." Yusaku trailed off, staring at her in disbelief. "...wait a moment, let me finish this batch first."

Not long after that, Yusaku joined her table while bringing bottles of cold mineral water for each of them. Yusaku watched as Mirai unwrapped the boxes, sighing thinly, "I appreciate you packing lunchboxes for me, but you don't have to come over during weekends, too. I don't want to trouble you."

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