S2-26✩ Precious Dreams Shared Over an Onigiri

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When Sunday finally came, Mirai had already let go of her mixed feelings towards her little 'date' idea with Yusaku. The reason she stopped having such thoughts was simple for her: she was certain Yusaku didn't harbor that kind of feeling towards her, so she didn't need to overreact. She also only thought of him as a good friend that she admired...

...and yet, still she struggled to pick an outfit to wear for today's agenda. She couldn't exactly remember since when she started caring about his opinion, but probably just around the time before they got into that fight. She eventually settled with wearing a sleeveless pink summer dress and the slightly oversized dark purple hooded jacket that Yusaku gave her. She left the jacket unzipped and rolled up its sleeves to her elbows, then tied her hair into pigtails and clipped her hairpin on her left bangs. She wore her brown backpack and smiled for one last time at the mirror before putting on her sandals and finally leaving.

When she arrived at the train station, Yusaku was already there, waiting for her. He wore a white t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned short sleeved navy blue shirt, a black wristband around his left wrist, black pants, a black sling bag and his everyday sneakers. She could feel her cheeks heating up upon seeing him. She subconsciously tucked her bangs behind her ear before casually greeting him, "Morning, Yusaku! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Yusaku turned in her direction and smiled back. "Hey. It's okay, I just got here..."

He paused for a moment while staring at her jacket. "...huh. Aren't you hot in that?"

Mirai shook her head in one swift motion and told him, "I'm fine. Anyway, you didn't bring Ai-chan with you today?"

"Um, no. I left him with Kusanagi-san," Yusaku scratched the back of his head as he noticed Mirai was staring at his wristband. "It feels weird not having anything around my left wrist, so..."

"I see! I think it suits you," she smiled. "Then, shall we go?"

He nodded and followed her small steps into the station and soon boarded the train to Kusanagi Jin's rehabilitation hospital. It was a short trip, since it only took two stations and a short walk to reach their destination. Upon arriving there, they met with Jin's caretaker and got the permission to enter his room. While Yusaku sat on one of the stools beside Jin's bed, Mirai carefully put the sunflowers that they bought on their way there in the room vase then took a seat next to him. They both had a frown in their faces when they silently stared at Jin, who was closing his eyes peacefully as if he was just sleeping.

"I dueled the man who stole his consciousness," Yusaku began. "Twice, even, and managed to defeat him both times but he always found a way to escape."

"No way..." Mirai murmured. "Just who on earth is he? Why is he doing this?"

"We don't know. He's a crafty one, that Bohman," he groaned. "And bizarre, too. The other day, he was convinced that he is the real Fujiki Yusaku and I am merely his copy."

"What?" Mirai turned to see him in surprise. "How is that even possible...?"

Yusaku stared back into her eyes and began telling her of the fierce duel that nearly drained him out of his spirit. Like he once told Ai, he was not the type who would mince words, so he also told her that he believed no one could confirm the truth of one's memory and that he might very well be a copy just like what Bohman had told him.

"But that's settled now. I won the duel, and I even have your words to encourage me," he stopped his story to give her a smile. "Do you remember what I asked the day you called me?"

Mirai was at a loss of words but quickly caught on to what he was talking about. "Ahh! About the genuine and counterfeit products! Don't tell me, you actually were talking about yourself?"

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