S1-11✩ Still, Villains are Heroes in Their Own Story

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Inside a spacious room with large window that directly faced the Stardust Road, a tall, slender boy with hair swept to the right side of his face was sitting beside a special hospital bed. That bed was equipped with many machines to support and monitor a comatose body; a body of the man that was responsible for a certain dark incident that was lost in the past: Dr. Kogami Kiyoshi.

Everyone that knew of that incident would describe it as 'cruel' 'traumatizing' and even as 'one of SOL's darkest history,' but for that boy, it's what had given him a reason to live. He, who was raised in an orphanage since he was very small and had never once felt a human's kindness, was grateful for what Dr. Kogami had done. Thanks to him, for the first time he could feel what it's like to be needed; to be important, instead of being a mere spectre in that lonely place. That's how he decided to become a faithful aide for the doctor and served his only son.

That boy was gently wiping Dr. Kogami's arm with a warm, damp towel. Ever since he started living there years ago, he had been taking turns with the doctor's son to take care of him. Once he had done, he looked over his phone screen and realized that two hours and half had already passed since his young master left to buy lunch at the hotdog truck that occasionally stopped by nearby. This made him wonder, because it usually would only take fourty minutes to get their order ready.

Fortunately for him, just then he heard a clack coming from the front door and soon an all-too familiar young man with striking silver hair walked into the room. He was none other than the son of Dr. Kogami whom that boy had sworn to devote himself to, Kogami Ryoken. The boy promptly stood up to welcome his arrival. "Welcome home, Ryoken-sama. I've finished my task while you were away."

In response, Ryoken only nodded as he handed over a small paperbag to him. "Good work. Here's your lunch, Spectre."

The boy, Spectre, blinked once as he wordlessly took the paperbag from Ryoken's hands. He could feel that the hotdog inside that paperbag had already gone cold, but he paid no mind to it as something else had caught his attention. He could sense something different from Ryoken. Compared to his usual confident self, just now he sounded... rather meek. While observing the unusually quiet boy in front of him, he said slowly, "Thank you. So, where's yours?"

"Hm? Well, actually I've already eaten mine right over there... uh, sorry for that, even though you're waiting here."

Just by hearing Ryoken's awkward reply, Spectre could confirm that something was definitely off with him. He sounded like someone who had something heavy occupying his mind, but if he were to be asked what that was, Spectre highly doubted he would give him an honest answer. Heck, he would even straight up deny it. Knowing this trait of his, Spectre now was more focused on reading his body language while trying to extract more information from him. After all, he needed to know what was disturbing his young master to be able to help him snap out of it. "You don't need to apologize, Ryoken-sama. I didn't even notice you were away for two hours and half while looking after your father."

After saying that, he could see Ryoken briefly scrunching his eyebrows as he turned away. "It had been two hours and half already? Drat, I wasted too much time..."

Ryoken shifted his attention back to Spectre, locking eyes with him. "Sorry but as soon as you finish your lunch, go log in to LINK VRAINS. We need to continue our preparations. Well then, I'll be going first."

"Understood." Spectre bowed as Ryoken walked by. When he straighteed up his posture, Ryoken had already went into his bedroom and left him alone there with Dr. Kogami. The boy hummed to himself before he started chewing his hotdog, gazing at the sunset view.

'Hm. Bergamot... I recall we don't use that kind of perfume in this house. I wonder whom he ran into...'

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