S1-4✩ The Girl with Ruby-Red Eyes, Tsubaki Mirai

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"....huh? Oh, yes. That's me."

Despite receiving a stiff response from Yusaku, Tsubaki brightened up in joy and smiled widely. Her cheeks were quickly dusted in light pink as she nodded to herself. "Fujiki-kun... so that's your name. Oh, my name is Tsubaki Mirai. Do you remember? We... have met before."

Yusaku gave her yet another stiff nod. "Yeah. I saw you this morning at the Duel Club."

"Umm, that's not what I meant..." Tsubaki nervously fiddled with her fingers before sheepishly looking at him again. She looked a bit gloomy when she asked, "Or... have you perhaps forgotten about that rainy day?"

Have he forgotten?

No; he remembered everything that happened on that rainy day as if it happened just yesterday. That day, he got home in wet and dirty clothes. What he told Kusanagi on that day was just a made up story to cover the truth. The truth that only Yusaku and Tsubaki would ever know of.

Yusaku didn't actually feel any kind of compassion when he first saw her, only curiosity. Why would she stood in the middle of the rain there, alone, without an umbrella? That would just make her sick. Why would she want to get sick? Yusaku could only wonder as he continued to walk.

But it somehow irked him when he saw a dog in her arms. If she really wanted to get sick, she didn't need to bring that poor dog along with her. That's why as soon as their gaze met, he walked up to her and offered his umbrella. For that dog.

"This umbrella... for the dog," Yusaku paused upon seeing her curious eyes. He broke their eye contact by looking away. In this situation, saying the umbrella was only for the dog would be extremely rude, right? "Uh, and you."

Tsubaki's eyes widened for a split second but because Yusaku was still looking away, he didn't see it. Her sad smile was also went unnoticed by him. "Thank you, but... it's too late."

What she said had caught his attention, causing him to turn to her. She was looking down at the dog in her arms now. "This little guy is just as cold as the rain itself..."

It took him a moment to get her message. That dog was no longer alive. By then, his gaze had softened. "Then why are you still holding him, knowing that?"

She didn't reply, but Yusaku had a feeling he'd already known the answer. Perhaps she found that dog lying stiff there and was hoping by giving it warmth, it would open its eyes again. And when she finally realized her attempt was for naught, she just let the rain covered the sadness she felt for the poor dog. When he thought of this, he felt immediate guilt for judging her without knowing the truth first.

Without saying anything, Yusaku inclined his umbrella towards her, beckoning her to hold it. Despite being confused, she eventually took the umbrella from him. He could feel her curious stare at him as he knelt down. He looked around him, and after a while he found a rock with size as big as his clutch. He then started digging a hole using it. Once the hole was deep and wide enough, he drained it and turned to the girl, who was still staring at him.

"This should do it. Let's bury him here."

And while reminiscing about this event, both Yusaku and Tsubaki had arrived at that same place. Under that tree, an open umbrella was placed to cover a small pile of soil beneath of it. That umbrella wasn't the umbrella that he gave her on that day, but a soft green umbrella with floral pattern that apparently belonged to her. The two squatted before it and clasped their hands to pray. Once they had done praying, she turned to him and smiled sheepishly.

"I replaced it with my umbrella so I could return yours as soon as we meet again... umm, so... here you go."

Yusaku stared for moment when Tsubaki inclined a dark red umbrella to him. That umbrella never belonged to him, but he took it anyway. She gave him a closed-eyes smile after he did.

"You know what, Fujiki-kun... what you did on that day had moved me. Without muttering a single word, you jumped into the rain just to prepare the last resting place for that dog. What a noble thing to do... I'm sure he must be very grateful towards you in the heaven."

Yusaku awkwardly averted his gaze, remembering what he had thought of her on that day. "No... if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have noticed him in the first place. What you did was the noble one."

Tsubaki fell into complete silence after hearing him, as if she was deeply contemplating. Yusaku internally wondered whether or not what he said had upset her, but just then she started talking. "I found that dog here, two weeks ago. He was so frail and weak at that time... I was determined to take care of him, even though I'm not allowed to keep him in my place. And so I fed him here every time I went to and return from school. I was happy because in a week, I could see he's slowly recovering... but it was raining on that day and that must be too much for his recovering body. I rushed here soon after the last bell rang. I even forgot to pick my umbrella. But when I arrived, he's already..."

Yusaku glanced at her and was a bit surprised when he saw tears welling up in her eyes. He took out his handkerchief and awkwardly inclined it to her, silently telling her to use it. She noticed his small gesture and took it to wipe her tears. "If only I weren't such a coward, he p-probably would be still alive now..."

Yusaku only squatted there in awkward silence, not knowing what he should do while Tsubaki continued to sob. Maybe he should say something to comfort her? "You've done what you could. There's no use crying over it. "

"But I just couldn't," a sniffle from her again, "...help it!"

....or maybe he should have just stayed quiet, he thought briefly as the girl continued sobbing.

"When I was busy lamenting, you came," she continued, stopping for a moment. Although still tearful, now there was a smile on her lips. "I can't believe you... you saw a girl standing alone in a rain, yet the first thing you said to her after offering your umbrella was "for the dog". That's ridiculous no matter how you look at it... but that only means you definitely have more compassion compared to most of the humans out there, including me."

"Oh... do I?"

"Of course!" Tsubaki nodded, pumping her fists to encourage him, "When I saw you digging this grave, I realized I was just being selfish. I thought I was sympathizing for that puppy but in truth, I was just pitying myself for unable to prevent something that's completely out of my control. If I did sympathize for him, I should've taken action like you. That's how you inspired me, Fujiki-kun... since then I only have respect for you."

Again, Yusaku only remained silent. Did she just... praise him? It's been a long time since he last received a heartfelt compliment from another individual. It felt... strange. But he didn't say he disliked it.

"But silly me, I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to ask your name," Tsubaki continued as she let out a small chuckle, "I considered asking around at school, but I got a fever and had to stay home for a whole week..."

"You were sick?" Yusaku, who had finally regained his composure asked, "For a whole week?"

She laughed sheepishly as a response. "Ah, I've never been the healthiest girl since I was little. I easily got sick, even now... my mother really gave me an earful when she found me returning home drenched. I know she's worried, but still..."

"If you know that, you really shouldn't complain, then." he replied bluntly, only causing her to laugh sheepishly. "I guess you're right, huh?"

After giving the grave one last glance, Tsubaki then stood up with Yusaku. "Anyway, Fujiki-kun... are you hungry?"

The boy blinked. "Huh? Oh, no, not really..."

But Yusaku's stomach refused to cooperate with him and started to rumble the moment he said that. Tsubaki giggled at this while he quickly turned away in an attempt to hide his blushing cheeks. "Not hungry but very hungry, I see! In that case, I know just the place. It's my treat!"

Yusaku quickly turned to her again and denied, "No, you don't need to, really..."

"Oh, don't be like that. Just consider it a token of my thanks. And besides, I'm hungry myself," Tsubaki winked, "Well then, shall we go?"

The boy stared into her glittering, puppy-dogs' eyes and gulped. He's not prepared for this. Realizing he couldn't win this argument, finally he just decided to give in and let the excited girl drag him away from that place.

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