S2-37✩ Clashing Beliefs! Their First Fight in 10 Years

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The next morning came much earlier for Yusaku who couldn't get a wink of sleep. He actually had been spending the night at Café Nagi, racking his brain with Kusanagi while trying to reach Earth but their efforts turned out to be fruitless, as they failed to locate him everywhere even with Ai's help and also after they breached SOL's main database once again. When the sun began to rise and outshine the stars, the two hackers ultimately gave up and concluded that SOL must be containing Earth in a special space disconnected from the internet to prevent breach from the outside and limit his movement.

Yusaku leaned back in his seat with one arm covering his eyes, exhausted and frustrated at their unfortunate discovery. "Damn it all. The most effective method is always the simplest one, huh?"

"For once, they outwitted us and I don't know how to feel about that," Kusanagi smiled wryly while preparing morning coffee for them. "I have never been wasting so much of my time like that before."

Kusanagi glanced over his shoulder when Yusaku didn't respond and found him staying still in his position. Kusanagi couldn't help but pity him, knowing he had worked much harder than him. "Yusaku, do you want me to call the school and tell them you're sick?"

At that offering, Yusaku immediately rose from his seat and shook his head. "No need for that, Kusanagi-san. I'm just gonna wash my face real quick."

"You sure you're fine?" Ai chimed in, catching the other two's attention. He was carefully observing his partner, who in return listlessly stared at him. "I mean, just look at those eyebags! You've been pushing yourself all night long looking for Earth, so shouldn't you take a break today?"

"What, are you worried about me? That doesn't sound like you, Ai."

"So what? I am worried!" Ai sprang out of his duel disk, having both of his hands on his hips in disapproval after receiving his nonchalant reply. "I'm glad for what you did but that doesn't mean you get to neglect yourself. Why did you go to such lengths for him when you've only met him once, anyway?"

"Why...?" Yusaku paused for a moment as he immediately recalled a memory that happened just recently. Last night, right after he had logged out of LINK VRAINS, he went out of the truck alone to call Mirai. He was a bit relieved when he saw lots of recent missed calls and voice notes from her the moment he turned on his phone screen, because that meant she had logged out safely, but he didn't expect he would hear her sobbing when he called her back.

"Yusaku, please..."

"I know," he nodded sternly, closing his eyes. "I'll see what I can do."

And now, after Yusaku had freshened up and tied his blue tie into the perfect knot that Kusanagi taught him once, he headed towards the metal doors and said to his two friends, "It's because someone has placed their trust in me."

He opened the doors, spreading them widely with a loud clank, and the first thing that he saw after the blinding sun was Mirai waiting for him in the distance. Her exhausted ruby eyes looked upon him with an expectant gaze, hoping he would answer her back with good news, but when he shook his head, those eyes dimmed. She drooped dejectedly, not seeing when he hopped down from the truck and approached her with regret plastered across his face. "Mirai, I--"

"I knew you'd be here."

Yusaku and Mirai perked up, looked at the source of the voice that called them and found Ryoken there, standing alone. Both of them muttered his name at the sight of him approaching, to which he answered with deathly silence. As he directed his glare at Mirai, he said, "Mirai, what did I tell you last time? How could you not listen to my warning and allied yourself with that Ignis behind my back, instead?"

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