S1-7✩ Each and Everyone's Responsibility

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It was already afternoon when Tsubaki arrived at Den Hospital, the hospital which Aoi was taken to yesterday morning. She was there to pay Aoi a hospital visit as per her duty as class representative, but even without her duty she was still planning to see Aoi out of concern for her. Though, she was a bit disappointed because none of her classmates wanted to tag along with her. Not even Hitomi, who shared the same interest with Aoi.

With a small bouquet of flowers and 'Get Well Soon' card tied onto it in her hands, Tsubaki walked up to the receptionist counter and politely asked for Aoi's room. But the reply she received was, "I'm terribly sorry, Miss. Right now, Zaizen Aoi-san isn't allowed to receive any hospital visits."

"Is her disease that serious?"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you due to patient's confidentiality, Miss."

"I see... I understand," Tsubaki half-heartedly nodded. Now this was depressing. Not only she had no idea of Aoi's sickness, she also couldn't see her. She sadly glanced at the flower bouquet she brought with her before looking at the receptionist again and saying, "But could you at least deliver this to her? Umm, and tell her, it's from her classmates..."

The receptionist stared at her with judging eyes, slightly discouraging her, but eventually gave her a warm smile. "Sure. Can I have your name, then, Miss?"

"It's Tsubaki Mirai," she replied with a wide, relieved smile. "Thank you so much!"

The receptionist nodded as she filled in Tsubaki's full name into the visitors log. After that, she proceeded to take the bouquet from Tsubaki, but paused when she spotted a certain someone passing by. As Tsubaki gave her a puzzled look, the woman's lips curved into a smile. "What a perfect timing. It appears you won't need my help, Tsubaki-san."


The receptionist didn't answer, instead she called that certain someone out, "Excuse me, Zaizen-san! Could you please come over here for a moment?"

Soon, a tall man in suit stood next to Tsubaki. He was a man with the fairest skin whom she ever met. The way he calmly carried himself gave off an impression of an important person. His sharp, yet alluring lavender eyes gazed upon the woman sitting in front of him with questioning look. "Yes?" A deep masculine voice resounded from him. He uttered only that one word, yet it was enough to cause the woman's heart to flutter. But to Tsubaki, that looker sounded rather impatient and somewhat peeved, it scared her.

The receptionist feigned a cough to regain her composure and motioned to Tsubaki. "This girl over here came for Zaizen Aoi-san. Apparently, she's her classmate."

That man arched one eyebrow before focusing his full attention on Tsubaki. She perked up a little upon noticing his intense stare. When she finally realized the man who stared at her was no doubt Aoi's older brother, she did the most natural thing one should do upon meeting someone: bowing. "N-Nice to meet you, Zaizen-san. My name is Tsubaki Mirai."

Zaizen just kept on staring as the girl shyly handed him a small bouquet of flowers. "I came to check on Aoi-chan, but I was told she's not allowed to receive any hospital visits for the time being. Still, I wanted to at least give this bouquet for her, since it contains everyone's feelings. Umm... p-please, accept it."

Zaizen wordlessly took the bouquet from her while Tsubaki nervously waited for his reaction. He observed it for a while before the strapped card caught his attention. His gaze softened and a soft smile quickly adorned his lips after reading what was neatly written there. "Such pretty flowers," he finally said, immediately setting her heart at ease. The next thing he said caused Tsubaki to frown, though. "If only Aoi could see them now, I'm sure she would be really happy..."

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