S1-13✩ The Wounded Boy's Resolute Heart

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The day had finally come for Revolver to execute the final stage of his grand plan. To build the gigantic Hanoi Tower and use it as a bomb to destroy the entire network had always been just a backup plan, but it was nevertheless carried out with careful planning. Dr. Kogami was the genius behind the construction of such intricate plan, and the man himself was now waiting for Revolver to start it in the network, all the while observing the entirety of LINK VRAINS. In just six hours, the internet world would be reset and his consciousness would be deleted alongside it, resulting in his imminent death in the real world. Even knowing this, for him it was a small sacrifice for the future of humanity.

His attention was diverted upon hearing a buzzing sound coming from his back. Without turning around, he knew that it was his son, Revolver, who just logged in and appeared behind him. He sent him a small glare as he spoke, "You're late. You should've known we have no time to waste."

In response to his berating, Revolver only remained silent while clenching his fists. The words that came out of him next were but a soft whisper, as if he didn't want them to be heard, but still wanted them to be acknowledged. "...I'm sorry, Tou-san. But must we... do it today?"

Revolver could feel an abrupt jolt on his shoulders, taking him by surprise, but not completely. Dr. Kogami was gripping his shoulder tightly as he directly looked into his eyes with anger. "Revolver... what are are you saying?! We've already pushed this plan way too far to this day; we can't delay it any further! Don't forget why we are doing this! Humanity's future is in our hands!"

"I... I know."

"Good. Then stop having second thoughts," Dr. Kogami released his grip from Revolver's shoulders, turning away from him. As he pinched the bridge of his nose and grunted, he said, "Now go and do what you must to activate the tower. Revolver, it's already too late to back off from this plan. We can only push forward."

"Then, can I just say one more thing?"

"What is it, again?"

"The other day, I met Mirai by coincidence," Revolver flatly continued, staring at his father's back. "She's doing much better now compared to ten years ago. She even managed to ride bicycle all the way to Stardust Road from her home."

After he said that, Revolver continued to stare at his father's back, waiting for his response, but the man didn't even twitch. The boy's yellow eyes narrowed a bit in disappointment.

"Is that everything?"

"...yes, that is all. I'll be going, then."

Revolver soon disappeared into a portal, leaving Dr. Kogami alone with his own thoughts.

"See you tomorrow, Mirai-chan!"

"Yeah, bye!"

Tsubaki waved her friends a good bye before parting ways with them. Even though she owned a bicycle, she never rode it to school, just so she could walk home with her friends like this. The place where they usually parted ways was the Den City plaza, and that's how she would often drop by Kusanagi's food truck; but today, she decided not to take a detour and go straight home.

Upon arriving home, what welcomed her at the front yard was a small garden of various kinds of blooming flowers, one that she herself tended to for years. She smiled gently upon seeing the colorful flowers. She only stared briefly as she needed to input passcode to her house digital lock before going inside. After that, she went in and headed straight to her room upstairs. Her mother was still busy at work, so she would be alone for a while.

While still in her uniform, she tossed herself onto her bed and let out a long, tired sigh. She still couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. Meeting her big brother, then told him to live with her and her mother, only to get rejected afterwards... as much as she admired him, she just couldn't understand why. One year ago, her mother had told her everything on the night she arrived home intoxicated, that her husband was conducting a horrible experiment involving children and even though she didn't know what kind of experiment that was, that fact alone made him evil. Yet, her brother seemed keen to stay with him, even after she told him that... just what was going on in his mind?

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