S2-40✩ Now, What To Do?

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While Mirai and her friends left SOL Technologies, Queen was at the lab where Earth was being kept. She was overseeing the scientists as they broke down the poor Ignis into simpler data, slowly killing him. Zaizen was also there, but he was unable to do anything except clenched his fists in regret while he witnessed the whole decompile process from start to finish. He didn't personally know Earth, but he couldn't help but pity him after hearing his plea: 'Please, spare me! I'm also a living being like you humans! I can coexist with you!'

Zaizen closed his eyes while the memory kept repeating in his mind, alongside the next thing which Earth said when most of his body had been decompiled, and actually bothered him more: 'Ah... haha, now I understand. This is what I get for leaving you, is it not? We are supposed to be partners, but I... I shouldn't have done that. So long, my friend... I'm sorry I won't be able to fulfill my promise. Thank you for everything. For helping me find... huh? Wait, who was it again that I sought? Everything is so bright and blurry...'

"Is that so? The girl left?"

Zaizen was snapped out of his trance when he heard Queen's arrogant voice. He glanced at where she stood facing the walls, and saw her talking to her phone. He was born with a good hearing, so it wasn't his fault for eavesdropping, right? "Hmph, I was right not to listen to her and decompile it now. That feisty girl takes after Hinami, after all... no, nothing. I was just talking to myself. At any rate, just let her be. Leave the matter of hunting down the remaining Ignis to the bounty hunters. That's why I'm paying them in the first place."

Zaizen pretended he didn't hear her when Queen hung up her phone and returned to stand next to him, but it looked like he was being too obvious about it, because then she asked him, "Zaizen, it seems you have something on your mind. Why don't you tell me what it is?"

Retaining a poker face, he carefully gave his answer, "I'm just wondering why you suddenly want to do this now, when we could do it last night as soon as we've captured it."

"I see. Should I take it as you doubting my judgment?"

"I certainly didn't mean it that way..." he replied, still as emotionlessly as possible in response to her challenge, "I trust your every judgment is for the sake of this company."

"Precisely, so never question me again. Also keep in mind I only tolerate your behavior because my close friend recommended you," she remarked nonchalantly while turning away, "Anyway, we're done here. You may return to your office."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Zaizen bowed until he heard no more of her clacking high heels and the automate door being shut. He raised his face then, sighing thinly. Being a loyal worker for SOL Technologies, he was so used to bowing his head low to his superiors, he wouldn't mind being called out for his hypocrisy some day. He was merely a pawn, someone who could be replaced at any time if the company wanted it and when his teacher's name could no longer save him due to his own impudence.

He finally returned to his office and sat in his study. At the same time, he received some new text messages from Aoi:

'Nii-san, I'm on class break
Emma-san just sent me a video
I watched SOL Tech's scientists do horrible things to the EARTH Ignis in it
I heard when he pleaded and longed for his partner, too
It was so sad to watch...
Nii-san, what exactly is an Ignis...?
I'm really sorry
Please leave me alone for a while, at least until I have collected my thoughts'

Zaizen pinched the bridge of his nose as he resisted the urge to sigh heavily. What exactly is an Ignis? That was a good question, indeed, after he saw how humane the EARTH Ignis was with his own eyes. A mere man-made AI, being humane... meanwhile there was Queen, who showed no mercy while she treated her underlings like some disposable things. How ironic.

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