A New Home

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"I don't want to go" I said sadly looking up at my mother, she took me into her family along with my sister Kiri, Kiri fit right in with everyone, they loved me too but I always had this feeling that I wasn't enough for them, that's why I always stayed around Neteyam because he understood me

"I know my darling but we must, now come" she said as she guided me to my Ikran

The forest was my home, I've known nothing else, but we have to go to protect our people and our family

We flew for hours until we finally reached the islands of the Metkayina people

We landed on the edge of the water and dad told us to be calm and follow him, the Metkayina people were surrounding us, glaring at us

I was standing between Lo'ak and mom when I saw a pretty girl emerge gracefully from the water, that's when I noticed Lo'ak's ears perk up making me giggle a little

I looked up and a few boys emerged from the crowd, the one in the front caught my eye immediately, my heart started to beat faster, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, the other boy walked around Neteyam and Lo'ak while the one that was making it hard to focus walked around me

He grabbed my tail and let it slip through his hand, out of reflex I curled my tail back towards myself, he walked back around me, infront of me now, and just gazed over my features not saying anything while his friends were laughing about my brothers tails and hands

That's when I assumed the clan leaders arrived, the boy went to the taller man's side but I could still feel his intense gaze on me

While dad and who I now know is Tonowari, were talking I kept looking over at the boy his gaze was hard to read, I couldn't tell if he despised me or I intrigued him

That's when Ronal, the clans Tsahìk, came and studied us just like the boys did, she grabbed Tuks tail and called us weak, then she grabbed my hand and showed it to everyone

"THEY ARE NOT EVEN TRUE NAVI, EYWA HAS TURNED HER BACK ON THEM" she yelled out making me feel even worse about myself

I looked at Kiri and Lo'ak and they had the same looks on their faces

That's when dad came to our rescue and showed his hands, I tried not to listen to the rest of the conversation I couldn't take anymore hurtful words

I looked back up to see the boy still looking but now he had a soft sympathetic look, my ears dropped and I just wanted to be alone

"You can stay but you must learn our ways and adapt, my son Ao'nung and daughter Tsireya will teach your children"

Tsireya came forward and showed us to our new home, after we got settled I just wanted to explore and calm down by myself

"Father can I go explore by myself please"I asked as he was unpacking things

"Of course sweetie be careful" he said smiling

Even though I wasn't their biological child they loved me just like I was really theirs

I left the Marui pod and made my way to the beach, I walked along the shore until I reached some shade, I sat down and dipped my feet in the water

It was actually very beautiful here but I still missed the forest, I hope we can go home one day

"Hey" I heard a little further down the beach

I looked and it was the clan leaders son, Ao'nung

My heart started to beat faster again and I got nervous, I've never felt like this before

"Hi" I said as my voice quivered as he got closer

He sat down next to me and I didn't know what to do

"So why are your hands like that?"

"My mother was a sky person and her avatar had 5 fingers and I guess that's how me and my sister got them too, it's one extra finger and it's been the down fall of me and my two other siblings lives" I said as I hide my hands in the sand

"It's interesting to me, don't tell the others I said that though, being the clan leaders son I have to be strong" I felt sympathy for him, he must feel like how Neteyam feels

"It'll stay between us" I said looking back out at the water

"How do you like it here so far?"

"I miss home" I said sadly

"Come with me, I want to show you something" he said as he stood up and walked into the water

I was doubtful at first but followed him, he took my hand and took me under, he swam fast and it was hard keeping up

We resurfaced and I was gasping for air

"You swim fast and I can't stay under that long"

"We can just stay on the surface for now" he said feeling bad

"Thank you!"

For the rest of the day we swam around, he showed me some swimming techniques and how to hold my breathe a bit better, maybe being here might be a good thing

Please let me know how you like this so far!!:)

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