Skinny dipping

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Ao'nung has been staying with me and my family since the fight that happened about a week ago

I slept with Ao'nung in the corner since that was the only space left and my family has taken a liking to him which made me happy

It was late at night and everyone was off to bed, I had Ao'nungs head laid on my chest as he wrapped himself around me

I brushed my hands though his hair as he hummed in contentment

"Are you tired my love?" I asked

"No, I just like being held by you, I wish we could stay like this forever" he said

"Me too, maybe tomorrow we can go out to that lake further in the island so we can swim just me and you"

"I'd love that" he said as he yawned, I knew he was tired

"Okay let's get some sleep now" I said pulling him in closer

Next Morning~
I felt being shaken so I opened my eyes seeing Ao'nung over me

"Morning handsome" I said smiling

"Hi my love, are you ready for today, I can't wait!" He said excited

"Okay let's go then!"

He grabbed my hand and we left but first I told Neteyam where we'd be for the day just

"I'm glad we're gonna get some alone time together, I'm very grateful for your family but sometimes I just wanna be with you" he said acting all lovey dovey

"I know how you feel" I said giggling as we ran through the trees until we finally found the serene blue lake

"It's so pretty!" I said as I dipped my toes in

"Ahhhh and warm"

"Shall we get in my love?" He asked as he held a hand out to me

"Absolutely!" I went to get in until he held me back

"Wait...." He said seeming nervous

He slowly undid his loincloth until it dropped, I didn't know what to do, I had never seen this part of a man before and it made me feel all weird and tingly inside

"It's your turn my love" he said as he lowered himself down into the lake

I sucked in a breathe and wound up as much courage as I could

I lifted my breast covering off and slowly I did my loincloth next, I could feel his eyes burning into me, finally I looked up and he was practically drooling

"Come" he said as he helped me into the water, quickly pressing me against him, hugging me close

"You are beyond beautiful" he said peppering kissing all over my face

I could help but blush, I loved this but all this is new to me

" this too much for you?" He asked concerned

"No it's just....I've never done all this before I've never seen....ummm you know"

I heard him laugh

"Never? How you have two brothers, and I know how crazy guys are"

"What? No our family was taught to be modest about this kind of thing, my father said it's important and it's a human thing I guess"

"Well I think ever part of you is breath taking" he said as he swam with me through the water

"Oh stop I'm not that breath taking"

"Yes you are, mother Eywa has truly blessed you"

After hours of swimming he lifted me up into the edge of the lake as he rested his arms on my legs looking up at me

I ran my fingers through his hair, just loving to be able to touch him

"I love you so much" i said smiling down at him

"And I love you" he said leaning up and pulling me into a kiss

"I want to connect with you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm very sure Ao'nung, I don't wanna go all the way yet I just want to feel you"

And with that he reached behind me bringing my braid forward as I did with his, holding our queues together until the intertwined

I gasped at the feeling, it was unlike anything else I've ever felt, I could feel him everywhere, his love for me was almost overwhelming but I loved it, I loved his feeling of protectiveness over me

I pulled him close so his head was pressed against my belly as he was still in the water

This moment I will cherish forever no matter what

But obviously the moment had to end and it had to be our siblings to make it end

"Ao'nung?! Y/n?! Are you guys here you've been gone along time" Neteyam called out

I was in complete bliss that I forgot the state we were in, naked with Ao'nungs arms wrapped around me

I looked back seeing Lo'ak, neteyam, Kiri and Tsireya giggling with each other as they looked at us

"Well aren't you going to get dressed?" Lo'ak stated

And that's when we snapped out of daze

"Oh my Eywa I'm so sorry I totally forgot" I said as I hoped up, same with Ao'nung as he pulled up his loincloth and I placed my breast covering back on as he helped pull on my loincloth and tied it for me

"See you both have been busy" Kiri said making the others laugh

Ao'nung held me close knowing I was dying of embarrassment

"We didn't do anything we just went swimming together, don't embarrass her like this" he said trying to protect me

"Sorry sis" Kiri said

I could see Neteyam looking overprotective as he came up to us

"Are you okay baby sis?" He asked

"I'm completely fine teyam, you know he would never hurt me" I said smiling

"I know I just can't help look out for you, now come on let's all get to dinner"

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