Extra Attention

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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, I sat up and stretched

I looked down next to me and Neteyam and Lo'ak were still sleeping

"Hey! Neteyam....Lo'ak it's time to wake up" I said gently shaking them

They both slowly opened their eyes, Neteyam smiled up at me while Lo'ak groaned as usual

"We have to get ready to go meet Tsireya and Ao'nung at the beach" I said as I got my day chest beads on, I usually slept in my plant chest covering at night because it was more comfortable

I got some food ready for the family, I only ate a bit because I was to excited and just wanted to go see Ao'nung

I went and woke up Kiri and Tuk, Tuk wanted me to carry her so I brought her to the food and fed her some fruits she liked

"Okay now you go freshen up for the day and then tell Kiri, Neteyam and Lo'ak to come to the beach when they are ready okay?"

"Okay sis" she said as she rubbed her tired eyes and walked back to Kiri

I left the Pod and walked down to the beach where I saw Tsireya and Ao'nung

"Where are the others?" Tsireya asked

"Oh they are still getting ready, I got food ready for them so they should be here soon" I said excited

I looked at Ao'nung, when we made eye contact he looked away, it was like if looking at me was wrong for him, had I done something wrong yesterday? I thought everything was good

"Ao'nung can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked nervously

Tsireya looked between us and then left further down the beach

"What is it?" He asked still not looking at me

I walked infront of him and this made him finally look at me

"Did I......did I do something wrong yesterday? Did I upset you in any way?" I knew my expression was showing how I felt inside and his expression softened

"Oh no of course not, I just.....I can't be friends with you" he said looking away again

"But why I thought we had a connection"

"We did, we do have a connection but....ugh my mother won't allow me to be friends with any of you even though I desperately want to" he said as he took my hand in his

I only met him yesterday, why did it hurt so much

"But what if we just hung out in private, we don't have to tell anyone, maybe your mother will grow to welcome us" I said desperately

"I guess I've never been one to listen to my mother, so I'd love to sneak around to see you more" he smirked a little menacing

That's when we heard voices getting closer, we looked back and it was my siblings and Tsireya had come back

"Everyone let's get in the water!" She shouted and they all jumped in

"Come on!" Ao'nung said as he brought you into the warm water

"Remember the breathing I showed you, take a deep breathe" he said as he placed his hand on my stomach

"Okay" I calmed down and took a deep breathe as he took me under

He took my hands and placed them on his shoulders so I was close to his back, he started to swim effortlessly and it felt amazing, I held on to him tighter so my arms were wrapped around his shoulder now I we were pressed together

I felt so free that I forgot we were underwater, I breathed in and immediately started choking and Ao'nung heard it, he turned around to see me sinking he grabbed hold of my waist of quickly swam me to the surface

He gently laid me down on the beach, I was clawing at my throat but trying to gasp for air

He pushed hard on my stomach and the water came out and I coughed out, rolling on my side trying to get it all out, when I did I took in a deep breathe

I could feel his hand rubbing my back trying to soothe me, I sat up and looked at him

"I'm sorry, I got so lost in the moment" I said feeling like a failure

"Hey it's okay, you're still new to this, how about every night we meet here and I can give you some extra lessons"

"I'd love that Ao'nung, thank you" I said as I brushed my hair out of my eyes

"Should we get back in?"

"No you need a break, instead we can do more breathing for now" he said as he moved to sit right infront of me

"Feel the air fill your lungs, feel your chest rise" he said as he placed his hand in the middle of my chest making my heart beat fast

He looked at me and smirked but didn't mention anything

I took in a deep breathe

"Then push all the air out, feel it from here, make your core strong" he said as he dragged his hand down to my stomach

I breathed out as much as I could, we continued this exercise for a while until the other came back to the beach

"Where did you guys go?"  Tsireya asked

"She needed extra time breathing" Ao'nung said

"The rest of them need to learn more breathing as well, tomorrow we will do more" Tsireya stated

Ao'nung leaned over and whispered in my ear

"Meet me here tonight" he said then him and tsireya left

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