Chapter three

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Over 5 hours passed and you didn't go to sleep , you were on high alert just in case of anything. You have been fighting sleep and you saw and looked out your window and saw that it was nighttime. You didn't sleep , you didn't want to sleep in fear of getting tested or hurt . Your eyes drooped as you tried to fight off sleep but it became harder and harder as the minutes went by . It wasn't long before your saw the masked man walk into your room slowly but there were 3 other men with him. One with a trimmed down mow hawk , one with a base ball cap and a extremely tall one with a plane black mask with two eyes holes in it. You looked up at them from your bed and you kept eye contact with the skull masked man.
" I had talked to laswell our higher ups and she has decided to let us keep you on base . We don't know what we'll do with you but you'll be with us for a while so I figured why not get to know us first ."
Ghost said while looking at the the others then back to you .
" I'm Ghost , this is Gaz the one with the cap , there's soap with the Mohawk and then there's König our gentle giant ."
Ghost sand and the others waved to you .
You sat up slightly and you wanted to run but you didn't , all you did was keep your focus on the three men in the room .
" I know you don't trust us yet but just know that you can even if you don't ."
Ghost said .
" hallo kleine"
König said softly .
You looked up at him and you eyes drooped, your bags under you eyes were more prominent than ever and your tiredness really showed .
" I think we should leave her be ."
Soap said .
" she looks like she could use some sleep."
Gaz said .
" yeah , I'll meet you in the morning . Gets some rest and goodnight ."
Ghost said as the others walked out and ghost followed behind them . He stopped for a moment and he turned back to you an noticed that you calmed down a bit which made his gaze soften . You gave him a look and you started to slip under the covers more and get comfortable.
He let you be and closed the door behind you leaving you in silence . You yawned and tried to keep up and fight back against your sleep but it wasn't long till your eyes were shut and you were off into a sleep .
Ghost and the others walked back to the quarters discussing about you .
" Ghost you sure we're gonna be able to take care of her ."
Soap asked unsure of weather this was good or not .
" we will , we're gonna be on leave for a while on base so might as well . Poor kid don't even have parents ."
König said while looking down at soap.
" König teens are scary as Shit and what that one pulled with the nurses says a lot ."
Soap said while looking at the others .
" she was scared soap . No child does things like that unless they are scared.
Gaz said .
" so L.t when do we head back for her to bring her ?."
Soap said while reaching his room .
" we will head back for her in 4 days ."
Ghost said .
" alright then ."
Soap spoke .
" Gute Nacht guys see you ."
König said as he entered his room and closed the door behind him .
" night L.t ."
Soap said as he patted ghosts shoulder and went to his room . Gaz said the same thing and ghost went to his room just like the others . It was gonna be one hell of a time.

Time skip ——-

4 days had passed already . Durning these days ghost had visited you often . He brought you food and when nurses needed to check up on you he would be there to watch . He was quite and only talked when needed. He noticed over these past days and saw that you had calmed down around him . He had gained some of your trust slowly , you made small conversations with him while you ate and you even told him something that you haven't told no one . You told him where you had come from and the things that you had endured during your time in that facility. He finally new why you were so on edge near doctors but now he also knew why you didn't have parents but somehow his presences made it better. He promised not to tell anyone about what you told him and he even shared some things about himself . He had told you that he had family once . He didn't tell you where they went but you also didn't mention or ask him about it . He was very kind to you durning these days.
Soap and the others had never seen this side of him before and to be quite honest they liked this side of him more but they knew all to well that Ghost wouldn't do this around them . Ghost had watched the nurse hand you some crutches and Ghost signed your discharge papers and waited till the nurse was gone and he handed you some clean clothes . A black hoodie along with some back sweat pants . You took them hesitantly and you set them next to you on your bed .
" thank you ."
You said as you grabbed your crutches and went towards the bathroom .
" no problem."
Ghost said while sitting in the chair next to your bed. You headed to the bathroom and went to turn the nob but you turnt and looked back at Ghost .
" can you ...can you wait for me ?."
You asked quietly and nervously.
" sure , I gotta anyways cause todays the day your heading with us to base ."
You took a moment to process his words but all you did was nod at him and walk into the bathroom closing the door behind you. You set down one crutch and leaned it up against the wall and you  took off your nightgown leaving you in only underwear and a bra . You put on the pants carefully not to hurt your sore leg and you put on the hood no caring you weren't wearing a shirt under it . You were just glad to have clothes . You took your crutch that was on the wall and you opened the door and saw ghost waiting patiently for you . He looked up and stood up and walked over to you . Causing you to back up a bit but you calmed down when he put his hands at his side .
" c,mon kid lets head to Rec room and go to the others. "
Ghost said while offering you his hand to help you walk quicker .you nodded your head and you hesitated but you took his hand . His hands were warm , even with the gloves he was wearing. Ghost thanked the nurse and he walked out of the room with you . You walked through a hallways and through a set of doors. You passed a few rooms and went down into a stir swell and down through another door and you had finally reached Rec room .

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